

他表示:「現在大家都很失望,你不會在更衣室裡看到笑容。 你想贏得每一場比賽。 我非常失望,我們想要贏,但我們今場從來沒有佔上風。我們仍然晉級16強,值得期待。他們(比利時)控制了大局,我們也有機會,但沒能把握。 同樣,他們有一個很大的機會,他們把握到了, 當然這是一個靚入波。我們只能為我們把握不住機會而感到後悔。 但我們正在16强,第一個目標達成了。 往後的比賽都不會簡單,這將是非常艱難的。 如果你回顧上一屆世界杯,我們(英格蘭)的表現令人(差得)難以置信。 我們在本屆世界杯上表現出我們可以從失敗中反彈,並贏得比賽。 這並不容易。」

”Everyone is disappointed now. You don’t want to see smiles in the changing rooms. You want to win every game. I’m very disappointed we came into the game wanting to win it, obviously we never won it, but we are still in the round of 16 and something to look forward to.They controlled a lot of possession. We had our chances and never took them. Equally, they had one big chance and they took it. It was a good goal at the end of the day.We can only regret the chances we didn’t take. But we are in the round of 16, out the group stages, which was the first objective for the team. There are no easy games ahead of us, it will be very tough. If you look back to the last World Cup, they did unbelievably well. They have shown in this World Cup that they can bounce back from a defeat and win games. It is not going to be easy at all.”
