兩年前頭骨碎裂嚴重受傷被迫退役的賴恩美臣 今確認回歸母會熱刺


l'm going to see what I fall into but if I was to go down the coaching route I spent 18 years at Tottenham and that's my club so I'm sure that would be in my DNA if I was a coach. I'm still not sure. I'm just going to see where everything takes me. I've only been retired for four or five days so I think I'm going to enjoy a bit of time with my family, see everyone and then see where I want to go with it all. It was a decision that was pretty straightforward. Like I said, the issue came up with the brain so there were a lot of numbers that they chucked at me and potential things come on, usually later on in life, that could come on earlier in life. I've had 13 months out of the game which is a long time and I think that's probably helped me with the retirement. It was a shock because the last seven or eight months I've been ready to play and just waiting so to get that news two weeks ago was a massive shock but I've got to move on.I've got to accept it and I look forward to the next chapter now.

這次熱刺宣佈招攬三青訓教練,其中一位就是賴恩美臣。熱刺的青訓主管麥迪莫特 John McDermott 在羅致三名新青年隊教練後表示:「熱刺一直都嘗試羅致了解比賽的職員。職員招攬方法混合內部提攜及在外招攬新職員,包括剛退役的球員,以及有長時間在職業足球隊任教的教練。他們不止令青年隊得益,更能夠用上他們的足球智慧令球員明白真正比賽時應該作出的行為及表現是如何。」
We have always tried to assemble a blend of staff who know what the demands of the game are at the highest level. It's also important to have a mix of experience through internal promotions and external appointments, including coaches who have recently retired and are current with the modern player, plus coaches who have been in the cauldron of professional football - not just Academy football - and can pass on their wisdom of what the real game expects in terms of behaviour and performance.
