首次上場即被球隊支持者種族歧視 辛尼特或被迫賣走僅來投數天的馬琴





以下為文章一些重點:We are not racist and for us the absence of black players is just an important tradition, emphasising the identity of the club and nothing more. We, as the northernmost club of the major European cities, have never been mentally connected with Africa, however, as with South America or Australia or Oceania. We have absolutely nothing against the inhabitants of these and any other continents, but at the same time we want players who are close in spirit to speak for Zenit. Now, Zenit black football players are being forced almost by force, and this causes only a backlash. Let us be what we are. ln addition, we can not ignore the specifics of the Russian championship. Our country is dominated by tough, strong soccer in the fields, many of which leave much to be desired. In addition, most of the championship takes place in fairly severe weather. Under these conditions it is quite difficult for technical players from warm countries to fully discover their football talent.
