





我現在還記得我小時在巴塞走的路,就像發生在昨天一樣。當我八歲時,我住在 Sant Jaume dels Domenys。從巴塞訓練場到我家,再從我家到巴塞訓練場,路途遙遠及十分困難。我每天和哥哥 Eric 一起出門,要花一個多小時才能到達。


我很幸運能與各個年齡層的教練一起經歷,我會永遠記得他們。他們為我提供了很多幫助,例如 Sergio Lobera, Fran Sánchez, Rodolfo Borrell, Alex García, Albert Capellas, Albert Benaiges, Pimi García Pimienta。我有幸為一隊效力,我說這是幸運,是因為這是一個夢想,但效力巴塞也為我帶來了責任。



在U18,Rodolfo Borrell 告訴我們,我們現在16歲,足球仍然是一種業餘愛好,但我們意識到,足球最終可能會成為我們的職業。這是我永遠會記住的一番談話,因為那時我意識到,如果我做得好,我實現職業夢想的夢想就可以實現。


毫無疑問,對我來說最特別的時刻在卡達朗球場。 2009年2月,巴塞作客馬體會,我被列入18人大軍名單中。中場休息時,哥迪奧拿對我說:「巴查,準備好,下半場你會上場。」我簡直不敢相信,不禁回想達到此成就前的歷程。為我一生所支持的球隊在球場內首次亮相、和偶像一起上場的夢想終於能實現。很快我就開始熱身,並入替 Jeffren。我竟然踢右閘!我面對了科蘭、阿古路等球星,別人無法想像我有多激動。從那時起,我意識到自己已準備好邁出這一步。




”This Tuesday’s game between Borussia Dortmund and Barça will be very special for me. What a way to start the Champions League! And the Westfalenstadion is an amazing stadium where I had a specular time and where Dortmund, a team that I am very fond of after everything I experienced there, is playing for the first time in the Champions League against the team that I entered as a kid and came out a man: Barça.

I’ll be enjoying the game from my sofa in Seville, where I’m now enjoying my football at such a spectacular club as Betis. It’ll be impossible not to remember all the moments I had at Barça and Dortmund as I’m sat in front of the television.

I can remember the road I took to get where I am now like it was yesterday. I was 8 years old and living in Sant Jaume dels Domenys when I started out at Barça. At first it was tough going to travel from Barcelona to the village and from the village to my house. I had to make the journey every day with my brother, Eric, and it took more than an hour.

Until one day I got the chance to move into La Masia.

The sacrifice of leaving home was hard, but wearing the Barça shirt to compete and not just go out on the street, as I had always done, but to go out on the pitch, was something that got me very excited.

I was lucky enough to go through all the age levels with coaches that I’ll always remember and who helped me a lot, like Sergio Lobera, Fran Sánchez, Rodolfo Borrell, Alex García, Albert Capellas, Albert Benaiges and Pimi [García Pimienta, current Barça B boss]...and I had the fortune of getting to play for the first team. And I say fortune because it was a dream, but representing Barça also brought a responsibility.

I remember years of much expectation, but they were also tough because of the competition for places. I knew I had to deliver my very best because there were children coming from all over the world for trials. Any mistake and you could throw it all away. But with a lot of work and with support from my parents and people, I made it through each of the stages.

I remember one moment that I’ll never forget.

It was in the U18 team when Rodolfo Borrell told us that we were now 16 years old and that football was still a hobby, but we were aware that it could end up being our profession. It was a talk that I will always remember, because it was then that I realised that if I did things right, my dream of turning professional could come true.

Neither can I forget that I went to Barça as a kid and as time went by, with all the pressure involved in being in the best youth football system in the world, combining training with exams at school, you start to realise that you are maturing and getting stronger in character.

The most special moment for me was, without a doubt, the Vicente Calderón. It was February 2009 and Barça were away to Atlético Madrid. I was in the squad. And at half-time Pep turned to me and said: "Marc, get ready for the second half, you’re sure to get on". I couldn’t believe it. It’s a moment when you can’t help thinking about all that it had taken to get here and the dream of making your debut for the team you have supported all your life, with your heroes and in a stadium like this, is about to come true. Without noticing it I had already warmed up and they got me ready to go on for Jeffren. And you know what? I played at right back! Covering stars like Forlán, Kun Agüero...Awesome! You can’t imagine how exciting it was. That’s when I realised that I was ready to make the leap.

Under Pep I travelled a lot with the first team and although I didn’t play much, I learned a lot. Most of all, finding out how the pros live, and I was all ears listening to them talk and also staring at Puyi, Andrés, Geri, Víctor, Sergio, Xavi, Leo ...They were all club legends, my heroes and they had all gone through the same process as me!

But before that, two of my best years in football were my time at Barça B with Luis Enrique. They were two spectacular years. We won promotion to the Second Division and the year after we finished in the highest position ever for the reserve team, third in the league. Tito gave me a permanent place in the first team and although it was a difficult year because of his illness, he gave me loads of advice. It was with Tata that I got to play the most first team football and I got to feel important. It’s a pity that because of two matches we didn’t win the league or the cup.

Another moment that I’ll surely never forget was winning the Champions League in Berlin. It was my second period with Lucho at Barça and it was the year we won everything. And it was a moment when you realise that you have made history being part of a team that has lifted the European Cup. My good form at Barça took me to the national team, when Del Bosque called me up for the team and that was another of my goals achieved. Especially when I could go the next summer from winning the treble to the Euros in France.

After four year in the first team the competition for places got very strong. Geri and Masche were very strong and I wasn’t playing as regularly as I would have liked. And then a chance came up at Borussia Dortmund. I realised that if I wanted to keep enjoying football I’d need to find new challenges, and Thomas Tuchel, the manager at the time, rang me and convinced me to go. It was a new challenge and I wanted to try new things.”

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