[通少食譜]味噌茄子炒牛肉 (Beef with eggplants in miso sauce)

[Prep 準備: 20 minutes | Cook 烹調: 20 minutes| Serve 份量: 4 | Calories 熱量: 310 per serving ]

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.: 材料 Ingredients :.

1- 牛柳400克左右, 切丁 (Tenderloin beef, cubed, about 400g)

2- 西人茄子250克, 切件 (Eggplants, cut into pieces, 250g)

3- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (Minced garlic, 1 tbsp)

4- 紅蔥頭1粒, 去皮, 切片 (1 shallot, peeled, sliced)

5- 青蔥粒1湯匙 (Diced green onion, 1 tbsp)

6- 薑片2塊 (Ginger root, 2 slices)

7- 中型洋蔥半個, 去皮, 切件 (1/2 of medium size onion, peeled, cut into pieces)

8- 味噌2湯匙 (Miso paste, 2 tbsp)

.: 汁料 Sauce Mixture :.

1- 糖1/2茶匙 (Sugar, 1/2 tsp)

2- 熱水2/3量杯,160毫升 (Hot Water, 2/3 cup)

3- 日本醬油1茶匙 (Japanese Soy sauce, 1 tsp)

4- 味醂1茶匙 (Mirin, 1 tsp)

.: 做法 Directions :.

Step 1:

牛柳用"通少中式醃肉法" (但不要加鹽) 醃15分鐘備用, 易潔鑊用中快火落1/2湯匙油起鑊, 將炒至8成熟(兩面都轉了色), 盛起隔油備用, 原鑊加入茄子兜勻, 炒3分鐘, 盛起備用

Marinade the beef with "Tony's Marinade Method" (but do not add salt) for 15 minutes. Heat the non-sticky pan with 1/2 tbsp of oil over medium-high heat until hot. Stir-fry the beef until both sides are brown (about 80% cooked). Put it in a sieve over a bowl and put it aside. Add the eggplants into the same pan. Pan-fry it for 3 minutes. Put it aside.

Step 2:

鑊洗淨抹乾, 再用快火落1/2湯匙燒熱, 落蒜蓉, 紅蔥頭, 薑片, 蔥粒和洋蔥連1/3茶匙鹽炒至洋蔥軟身 (約2-3分鐘), 加入茄子兜勻炒2分鐘

Clean and dry the pan well. Heat it again with 1/2 tbsp of oil over high heat until hot. Add in the garlic, shallot, ginger, green onion and onion with 1/3 tsp of salt. Stir-fry the ingredients until the onion is soft (about 2-3 minutes). Add in the eggplants and mix it well (stir-fry for 2 minutes).

Step 3:

加入已攪勻的汁料兜勻煮滾, 轉中火, 蓋頂焗5分鐘或至茄子腍身, 再加入豬肉和味噌兜勻, 上碟即成

Add in the sauce mixture and bring it to boil. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes over medium heat. Add in the pork and miso. Mix it well. Dish it up and serve it hot.

.: 小貼士 Cook's notes :.

1- 茄子切開後先浸入清水中, 可以防止變黑

2- 牛肉要逆紋切割, 請按這裡看詳細解釋

3- 味噌不宜煮太耐, 所以建議最後先落, 以確保它的香味

4- 建議用西人茄子, 茄子會比較硬身, 如果找不到, 可以用普通茄子代替


1- Soak the eggplants pieces in water to avoid oxidize

2- Make sure you cut across the grain of the beef. Click here to see the detail

3- It is better to add the miso paste at last step to keep the flavor.

4- If you cannot get the western eggplants, you can use other eggplants as well.

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