[通少食譜]皮蛋香煎豆腐肉餅(Pan-fry pork and tofu with Chinese preserved egg)

[Prep 準備: 10 minutes | Cook 烹調: 20 minutes| Serve 份量: 4 | Calories 熱量: 380 per serving ]

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酸薑皮蛋豆腐你就吃得多啦, 有無諗過冬菜皮蛋黑欖菜豆腐做肉餅呢? 夠晒新奇啦, 哈哈哈

無錯, 我推薦得嘅, 味道當然係一流啦(否則我都唔會徙時間出食譜), 但最開心係, 完成整個菜色時間只需25分鐘左右, 實在係又快又容易整, 汗都無流一過一滴就完成, 呵呵

大家記得整時瑣好門窗喎, 否則你鄰居聞到啲香味流晒口水, 忍唔著成班流著口水係你門口八掛你煮乜東東, 你見到都唔好話唔驚嚇呀, 哈哈哈

.: 材料 Ingredients :.

1- 中硬度豆腐400克 (Medium firm tofu, 400g)

2- 免治豬肉400克左右 (Minced pork, about 400g)

3- 冬菜2湯匙, 洗淨 (Tian jian diced preserved vegetable, cleaned, 2 tbsp)

4- 皮蛋3隻, 去殼, 切粒 (Black preserved egg, peeled, diced, 3 eggs)

5- 青蔥粒1湯匙 (Diced green onion, 1 tbsp)

6- 黑欖菜3湯匙, 非必要 (Asian preserved black olive slices, 3 tbsp)

7- 大蛋1隻 (Large egg, 1 egg)

8- 鹽1/2茶匙 (Salt, 1/2 tsp)

9- 粟粉2湯匙 (Corn starch, 2 tbsp)

.: 做法 Directions :.

Step 1:

將豆腐用乾淨的布或毛巾包實, 然後毛巾左右不斷扭轉收緊, 直至將豆腐榨乾水份, 再將豆腐和材料2-9攪勻, 分成12-14份(或更多)備用

Wrap the tofu with a CLEAN towel firmly. Twist both side of the towel until the tofu is mashed and all the water from the tofu is released. Mix the dried tofu flake with ingredients 2-9. Mix it well and divide it 12-14 small pieces (or even more) evenly. Put it aside.

Step 2:

易潔鑊用中火落1湯匙油起鑊, 將所有豆腐件煎至四面金黃(約6-8分鐘), 上碟即成

Heat the non sticky pan with 1 tbsp of oil over medium heat until hot. Pan-fry all the tofu mixtures until all sides are golden (about 6-8 minutes). Dish it up and serve it in hot.

.: 小貼士 Cook's notes :.

1- 搾豆腐時就將包糖果一樣, 將左右兩端以相反方向不段扭轉收緊, 慢慢就可以搾出很多的水, 越乾就越好

2- 冬菜各種排子味道不一, 要按照它的味道去調整味道, 如果本身太鹹的話, 可以先浸水令它鹹味降低

3- 用易潔鑊去煎, 所用的油份比較少, 會比較健康

4- 黑欖菜味道惹味, 沒有的話可以不加


1- Twist both side of the towel with inverse direction like wrapping a candy. Tighten it as much as you can so the water inside the tofu can be released.

2- If the preserved vegetable is too salty, soak it in cold water before using it

3- Use non-sticky pan to pan fry the tofu mixture to avoid using too much oil..

4- Asian black olive enhances the flavor but it is optional to use.

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