[通少食譜]薯仔燜雞翼 (Chicken wings with potato stew)

[Prep 準備: 15 minutes | Cook 烹調: 30 minutes| Serve 份量: 4 | Calories 熱量: 430 per serving ]

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薯仔炆雞翼, 好多人都整過, 我自己之前都post過食譜一次, 今次哩個食譜, 可以話係改良版

今次加入更多香料, 同美極鮮醬油, 味道比之前更豐富好味道

有無覺得我啲雞翼顏色好紅下? 無錯, 因為我醃時加了紅椒粉, 你無可以唔落, 但落左, 啲雞翼就會靚仔啲同香口啲

其實真係唔難整, 煎好雞翼, 炒香薯仔, 再一齊炆, 攪掂, 食得, 哈哈哈

.: 材料 Ingredients :.

1- 雞翼1磅半左右 (1.5 lbs of chicken wings)

2- 薯仔6個, 去皮, 切大粒 (6 potatoes, peeled, cut into pieces)

3- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (Minced garlic, 1 tbsp)

4- 紅蔥頭1粒, 去皮, 切片 (1 shallot, peeled, sliced)

5- 青蔥粒1湯匙 (Diced green onion, 1 tbsp)

6- 薑片2塊 (Ginger root, 2 slices)

7- 中型洋蔥半個, 去皮, 切件 (1/2 of medium size onion, peeled, cut into pieces)
8- 熱水2/3量杯,160毫升 (Hot Water, 2/3 cup, 160ml)

9- 粟粉1湯匙+凍水2湯匙, 攪勻 (corn starch 1 tbsp + cold water 2 tbsp, mixed)

.: 汁料 Sauce Mixture :.

1- 糖1/2茶匙 (Sugar, 1/2 tsp)

2- 老抽1茶匙 (Dark Soy sauce, 1 tsp)

3- 美極鮮醬油或生抽1茶匙 (Maggie Seasoning or Soy sauce, 1 tsp)

.: 做法 Directions :.

Step 1:

雞翼用"通少中式醃肉法" 醃15分鐘備用, 易潔鑊用中快火落1/2湯匙油起鑊, 將炒至兩面金黃(約6-7成熟), 盛起隔油備用, 原鑊加入薯仔兜勻, 炒5分鐘, 盛起備用

Marinade the chicken wings with "Tony's Marinade Method"
for 15 minutes. Heat the non-sticky pan with 1/2
tbsp of oil over medium-high heat until hot. Pan-fry the chicken until
both sides are brown (about 60% cooked). Put it in a sieve over a bowl
and put it aside. Add the potato into the same pan. Stir-fry it for 5
minutes. Put it aside.

Step 2:

鑊洗淨抹乾, 再用快火落1/2湯匙燒熱, 落蒜蓉, 紅蔥頭, 薑片, 蔥粒和洋蔥連1/3茶匙鹽炒至洋蔥軟身 (約2-3分鐘), 加入薯仔兜勻炒2分鐘

Clean and dry the pan well. Heat it again with 1/2 tbsp of oil over high heat until hot. Add in the
garlic, shallot, ginger, green onion and onion with 1/3 tsp of salt.
Stir-fry the ingredients until the onion is soft (about 2-3 minutes).
Add in the potato and mix it well (stir-fry for 2 minutes).

Step 3:

加入雞翼和熱水, 當汁料煮滾, 轉中火, 蓋頂炆15分鐘或至薯仔腍身, 加入汁料調好味, 再逐少加入適量生粉水攪勻至汁杰, 上碟即成

Add in the chicken wing and hot water. Bring the sauce to boil. Turn the heat to medium. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes or until the potato is soft. Add in the sauce mixture and mix it well. Stir in the corn starch mixture slowly until the sauce is thickened. Dish it up and serve it hot.

.: 小貼士 Cook's notes :.

1- 薯仔炒過紋時才不會容易溶化散開

2- 雞翼煎過出來才會更香口, 滑嫩的

3- 用美極帶能出新的味道, 若不想的話, 則可以用生抽就可以了

4- 落生粉水不要太多, 先加少少看清稀杰程度再決定是否再加


1- Potato won't melt or broken during simmering when it has been pan-fried.

2- It will taste better to pan-fry the chicken wings before simmering

3- Maggie seasoning will add a new flavor to the dish. Or just add the soy sauce if you cannot find it.

4- Do not add too much corn starch mixture in one shot. Add few and check the sauce. Add more if the sauce is not thickened enough.

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