[通少食譜] 酥脆杏香蘋果酥 (Baked Apple Pie with almond slices)

[Prep 準備: 20 minutes | Cook 烹調: 40 minutes| Serve 份量: 6 | Calories 熱量: 380 per serving ]

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蘋果派我真係好喜歡吃, 不過出街買, 通常都係過甜, 食一個就已經覺得好膩

自己整, 甜度可以按自己喜好調整, 而蘋果肉又多又新鮮, 淨係個味道已經贏晒

酥皮自己整係可以, 但要時間比較多, 要整水油皮真係要用好多時間, 我就懶, 去買個急凍酥皮整, 如果大家要講究一點, 可以自己整, 係網上有好多食譜大家可以參考啊

焗多幾個唔怕的, 可以放入冰格雪藏, 可以保存2-3個星期都得, 吃時用焗爐焗熱就得, 當然啦, 即焗即食就更係好味好多啦

唔係難整, 希望大家會試下啊

.: 材料 Ingredients :.

1- 急凍酥皮1盒, 約400克, 已軟身 (Puff pastry sheet, thawed, 400g)

2- 蘋果1.5磅, 去皮, 切大粒 (Apple, peeled, diced, 1.5 lbs)

3- 黃糖1/3杯 (Brown sugar, 1/3 cup)

4- 牛油3湯匙 (Butter, 3 tbsp)

5- 玉桂粉1/2湯匙 (Ground cinnamon, 1/2 tbsp)
6- 檸檬汁3湯匙 (Lemon juice, 3 tbsp)

7- 杏仁片1/4杯 (Almond slices, 1/4 cup)

8- 蛋黃2隻, 攪勻 (Egg yolk, blended, 2 eggs)

9- 生粉2湯匙+凍水3湯匙, 攪勻 (Tapioca starch 2 tbsp + cold water 3 tbsp, mixed)

.: 做法 Directions :.

Step 1:

易潔鑊用中火起鑊, 將材料2-6放入炒勻, 蓋頂煮6-10分鐘或至蘋果軟身, 加入生粉水攪勻至杰身, 盛起放涼備用

Add in ingredient 2-6 in a sauce pan and mix it well. Cook the ingredients over medium heat. Cover and simmer for 6-10 minutes or until apples are softened. Add in the starch mixtures and mix until the sauce is thickened. Put it aside and let it cool down.

Step 2:

焗爐用220攝氏預熱, 檯面平均灑上麵粉, 再將已軟身的酥皮, 用棍推成大長方形 (約3mm厚), 再切割成12個長方形, 將蘋果料放上酥皮上填滿7成 (四邊要留空位), 再將另一傀酥皮疊上, 用叉, 將四邊壓實, 重覆步驟直到整出6個蘋果派

Preheat the oven to 220 degrees Celsius. Roll the dough into a large rectangle on a floured surface (about 3mm thickness). Cut the dough into 12 rectangles. Fill up one rectangle with apple mixture to 70% (make sure the edge is clean). Cover it with another dough. Press each side firmly with a fork. Repeat the same steps until you have 6 apple pie.

Step 3:

焗盤舖上牛油紙, 再放上蘋果派, 每個再平均塗上蛋液, 每個平均鋪上杏仁片, 放入焗爐, 改用190度攝氏, 焗25分鐘, 取出待10分鐘即成

Put the apple pies on a baking sheet covered by the parchment paper. Brush each pie evenly with the egg yolk. Cover evenly each pie with the almond slices. Put the pies into oven and bake it over 190 degrees Celsius for 25 minutes. Take it out and cool it down for 10 minutes before serve.

.: 小貼士 Cook's notes :.

1- 酥皮不能壓得太實太薄, 否則會不鬆脆

2- 一定要用生粉, 汁料做出來才會保持杰身, 用粟粉汁料會變稀

3- 餡料不要放大多, 否則壓不實四邊, 汁料焗時就會滲出來

4- 焗完要放暖才好吃, 否則汁料過熱, 會很容易灼傷自己


1- Don't roll the pastry sheet too thin or it won't be puffy after baked.

2- It is recommended to use tapioca starch than corn starch which provide thicken the sauce better

3- Don't put too much filling on a pastry or it will hard to seal each sides.

4- Let the pies cool down a bit before serving as the sauce is boling hot.

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