[通少食譜] 酸味味惹味牛柳粒 (Cubed beef with Worcestershire sauce)

[Prep 準備: 20 minutes | Cook 烹調: 20 minutes| Serve 份量: 4 | Calories 熱量: 380 per serving ]

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通常我買牛肉時, 都會盡量買一些帶有雪花紋多的牛柳肉, 不一定是和牛(我係加拿大好難買到A5和牛的), 普通等級但帶有雪花紋的話, 都很容易整到鬆化質感, 雖然價格可能會貴少少, 但又不時常常吃, 豪一兩次, 對自己好一點, 都不算過份吧

牛肉最怕就係慢火慢慢煮熟, 又唔香口, 又鞋, 所以建議大家要燒熱隻鑊先好去煎, 記得要先煎後炒, 一落鑊起勢咁炒的話, 想好吃都好難啊

汁料酸甜惹味, 再加埋勁鬆化的牛柳粒, 一定好過出街食啲用梳打粉醃過啲無味牛肉呀, 食過包你勁喜歡, 記得試下啊

.: 材料 Ingredients :.

1- 牛柳400克左右, 切粒 (Tenderloin beef, diced, 400g)

2- 洋蔥半個, 去衣切件 (Onion, peeled, cut into pieces, 1/2 onion)

3- 蒜蓉2湯匙 (minced garlic, 2 tbsp)

4- 紅蔥頭1個, 去皮切粒 (Shallot, peeled, diced, 1 shallot)

4- 甜椒1個, 切件 (Bell pepper, cut into pieces, 1 pepper)

5- 芽菜200克 (Bean sprout, 200g)

6- 牛油1湯匙, (Butter, 1 tbsp)

7- 日本醬油 (日本豉油)1 茶匙 (Japanese soy sauce, 1 tsp)

8- 烈酒(干邑) 2湯匙 (Cognac, 2 tbsp)

9- 粟粉1湯匙+凍水2湯匙, 攪勻 (Corn starch 1 tbsp + cold water 2 tbsp, mixed)

.: 汁料 Sauce mixtures :.

1- HP汁(OK汁)1湯匙 (1 tbsp of HP Steak sauce)

2- 海鮮醬2湯匙 (1 tbsp of Hoisin sauce)

3- 糖1湯匙 (1 tbsp of sugar)

4- 水1湯匙 (1 tbsp of water)

5- 喼汁4湯匙 (4 tbsp of Worcestershire Sauce)

.: 做法 Directions :.

Step 1:

牛肉用日式醃肉法(但不要加鹽)醃15分鐘, 同時間, 將芽菜於滾水灼30秒, 隔水上碟備用, 易潔鑊用中火落1/2湯匙油起鑊, 加入蒜蓉, 紅蔥頭和洋蔥連1/3茶匙鹽炒2分鐘, 加入甜椒, 日本醬油兜勻炒2分鐘, 鋪於芽菜上

Marinade the beef by following Tony's Japanese marinade method (but do not add salt) for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, blanch the bean sprout for 30 seconds. Drain it well and dish it up. Heat the pan with 1/2 tbsp of oil over medium high heat. Add in the garlic, shallot, and onion with 1/3 tsp of salt. Stir-fry the ingredient for 2 minutes. Add in the bell pepper and soy sauce. Mix it well and stir-fry for 2 more minutes. Top it over the bean sprout and put it aside.

Step 2:

鑊洗淨抹乾, 易潔鑊用大火落1湯匙燒熱(見白煙), 加入牛肉粒每面煎1分鐘 (共四面), 沿鑊邊加入干邑兜勻炒1分鐘, 再加入牛油和汁料煮滾, 再加入生粉水至汁杰, 舖上配料上即成

Clean the pan and dry it well. Heat the pan with high heat with 1 tbsp until hot (until you see the white smoke). Add in the cubed beef and pan-fry each side for 1 minutes (4 sides in total). Add in the Cognac and mix it well. Cook for another minute. Add in butter and the sauce mixture and bring it to boil. Whisk and add in the corn starch mixture until the sauce is thickened. Top the beef on top of the cooked vegetables. Serve it hot.

.: 小貼士 Cook's notes :.

1- 牛肉不要加鹽去醃, 個人經驗覺得會令牛肉變得韌

2- 牛肉一定要快火去煎, 要盡煎封四面才會令牛肉多汁好吃

3- 最好用帶有雪花紋多的牛扒較好, 很容易做到入口鬆化的牛肉粒

4- 落酒太急太快可能會搶火,所以要慢慢加, 才會安全


1- Do not marinade the beef with salt. As per my experience, it will make the beef harder after cook.

2- It is better to pan-fry the beef with high heat in order to keep the beef moist.

3- It is recommended to use the marbled beef which has the tender texture.

4- Add in the wine slowly or the wine will be enflamed.

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