[通少食譜]泰香惹味炒青口 (Mussel in Thai Chili sauce)

[Prep 準備: 20 minutes | Cook 烹調: 20 minutes| Serve 份量: 4 | Calories 熱量: 320 per serving ]


泰國辣椒膏可以話係一個泰菜常用的調味料, 也是煮冬蔭公必需的, 它有點將台灣的沙茶醬, 味道香濃惹味, 比較甜多過辣味的, 當然它又有超辣版的, 大家買時要小心, 問清楚啊

它用途廣泛, 像蠔油一樣, 炒飯, 煮菜, 打邊爐, 撈飯, 醃肉都可以用到的, 大家有機會, 一定要買來試試啊

活的青口於口邊會夾著像海草的雜物, 那是它們的糧食, 不要用力拔掉它, 因為你可能會令青口也拔出來, 殺死青口的, 正確的做法是用一隻手夾著青口的殼, 再用另一隻手夾著雜物, 向殼的末端拉走的 (如下圖)

相片是來自於 (Pictures is from):


或參考我整青口的video, 有詳細講解如何清理青口的:


.: 材料 Ingredients :.

1- 煙肉200克左右, 切粒 (Bacon, diced, 200g)

2- 中洋蔥1/2個, 去皮切條 (1/2 Medium onion, peeled, sliced)

3- 甜椒(任何顏色)1個, 去囊, 切條 (1 bell pepper, cored, sliced)

4- 新鮮青口500克左右, 切條 (Fresh mussels, 500g)

5- 金不換葉8-10塊 (Thai basil, 8-10 leaves)

6- 蒜蓉1湯匙 (minced garlic, 1 tbsp)

7- 紅蔥頭1粒, 去皮切粒 (1 Shallot, peeled, diced)

.: 汁料 Sauce mixtures :.

1- 糖1茶匙 (1 tsp sugar)

2- 熱水1/2杯 (1/2 cup of hot water)

3- 魚露1湯匙 (1 tbsp of fish sauce)

4- 泰國辣椒膏2湯匙 (Chili Paste With Soya Bean Oil, 2 tbsp)

.: 做法 Directions :.

Step 1:

鑊用中快火落1/2茶匙油起鑊, 先加入煙肉煎至兩面脆身, 再加入蒜蓉, 紅蔥頭和洋蔥連1/3茶匙鹽炒2分鐘

Heat the pan with 1/2 tsp of oil over medium high heat. Add in the bacon and pan-fry it until the bacon is crispy. Add in the garlic, shallot, and onion with 1/3 tsp of salt. Stir-fry the ingredient for 2 minutes.

Step 2:

再加入甜椒兜勻炒2分鐘, 再加入青口和汁料煮滾, 蓋頂焗5分鐘或至青口全部開口, 再加金不換兜勻, 上碟即成

Add in the bell pepper and mix it well. Stir-fry the ingredients for 2 minute. Add in the mussel and the sauce mixture and bring it to boil. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes or until the mussels are cooked. Add in the basil and mix it well. Dish it up and serve it hot.
.: 小貼士
Cook's notes :.

1- 參考我整青口的video, 有詳細講解如何清理青口的:


2- 青口煮了5分鐘都未開口的話, 就可能煮前已死了, 那就要棄掉,

3- 魚露各牌子的味道不同, 份量要自己試過再調整

4- 用急凍已開邊的青口也可以的, 但水就建議改成雞湯


1- Check the following site to learn how to clean the mussel properly:


2- Discard the mussel if the shell remains closed after simmering.

3- Adjust the fish sauce portion accordingly as different brand of fish sauce has different taste.

4- It is fine to use the frozen cooked mussels instead of fresh mussel. It is better to use chicken broth instead of water in this case.

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