[通少食譜]枝竹蘿蔔羊肉煲 (Chinese Lamb and Radish Stew )

[Prep 準備: 10 minutes | Cook 烹調: 90 minutes| Serve 份量: 4 | Calories 熱量: 360 per serving ]

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.: 材料 Ingredients :.

1- 羊腩(或帶骨羊肉)2磅左右 (lamb brisket or lamb leg with bones, 900g)

2- 枝竹6條, 切半, 浸軟 (bean curd stick, halved, soaked, 6 pieces)

3- 罐頭馬蹄粒8-10粒 (Water chestnut, about 10 pieces)

4- 薑片4塊, (Ginger slices, 4 slices)

5- 蒜頭4粒, 拍爛 (Mashed garlic,4 cloves)

6- 紅蔥頭3粒, 去皮切件 (Shallot, peeled, sliced, 3 pieces)

7- 青蔥3條, 去根, 切段 (Green onion, stemmed off, sectioned, 3 pieces)

8- 陳皮一塊, 浸軟, 洗淨 (Dried tangerine peel, soaked, cleaned, 1 piece)

9- 冬菇8-10隻, 浸軟, 去蒂 (Dried Shitake mushroom, soaked, stemmed off, 8-10 pieces)

10- 南乳2磚 (Red fermented bean curd, 2 pieces)

11- 柱侯醬1湯匙 (Chu Hou sauce, 1 tbsp)

12- 冰糖15克 (Rock Sugar, 15g)

13- 白蘿蔔1條, 去皮, 切件 (1 Radish, peeled, cut into pieces)

.: 做法 Directions :.

Step 1:

易潔鑊落1茶匙油用中大火燒熱, 加入薑片, 紅蔥頭和蒜頭炒2分鐘, 再加入柱侯醬, 南乳, 青蔥兜勻
Heat the pan with 1 tsp of oil over medium high heat. Add in the ginger, shallots and garlic when it is hot. Stir-fry the ingredients for 2 minutes. Add in the Chu Hou Sauce, fermented bean curd, green onions and mix it well.

Step 2:


Add in the lamp and mushroom. Stir-fry all ingredients until the lamps are brown.

Step 3:

加白蘿蔔, 冰糖, 陳皮和熱水至蓋過羊肉(約600-800毫升)煲滾, 轉細火, 蓋頂紋75分鐘, 再加入枝竹, 馬蹄兜勻, 蓋頂再紋15分鐘, 上碟即成

Add in the radish, rock sugar, tangerine peel and enough hot water to cover the ingredients (about 600-800ml) . Bring the sauce to boil. Turn the heat to low. Cover and simmer for 75 minutes. Add in the bean curd stick, water chestnut and mix it well. Cover and simmer for another 15 minutes. Dish it up and server it hot.

.: 小貼士Cook's notes :.

1- 罐頭馬蹄已經很腍, 不需要長時間炆煮, 否則會散開

2- 陳皮內的囊必須刮掉, 否則汁會有苦味

3- 如果最後汁料很稀的話, 可以加粟粉水埋獻

4- 枝竹必須預先浸軟, 否則是沒法煮腍的

1- Do not overcook the canned water chestnut, otherwise, it will break apart .

2- Use a fruit knife to gently scrap off the white pith from the softened tangerine peel.

3- Add some corn starch mixture (1 tbsp of corn starch with 2 tbsp of water) to thicken the sauce if necessary.

4- It is necessary to soak the bean curd stick or the texture will remain hard after simmering.

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