[通少食譜]百里香脆黃金雞脾 (Crispy chicken legs with special seasonings)

[Prep 準備: 10 minutes | Cook 烹調: 40 minutes| Serve 份量: 4 | Calories 熱量: 400 per serving ]

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.: 材料 Ingredients :.

1- 全雞脾5隻 (Chicken leg quarter, 5 pieces)

.: 調味料 Seasonings :.

1- 紅椒粉 3茶匙 (Paprika, 3 tsp)

2- 肉桂粉 3茶匙 (Cinnamon powder, 3 tsp)

3- 蒜粉 3茶匙 (Garlic powder, 3 tsp)

4- 糖 3茶匙 (Sugar, 3 tsp)

5- 鹽 3茶匙 (Salt, 3 tsp)

6- 豆蔻粉 1茶匙 (Nutmeg, optional, 1 tsp)

7- 蛋黃醬(或奇妙醬)5湯匙 (Mayonnaise, 5 tbsp)

8- 檸檬汁 2 湯匙 (Lemon juice, 2 tbsp)

9- 新鮮百里香葉碎(或乾百里香) 5湯匙 (Fresh thyme, 5 tbsp)

10- 暖水5 湯匙 (warm water, 5 tbsp)

11- 黑椒粉 1茶匙 (black pepper, 1 tsp)

.: 做法 Directions :.
Step 1:

將所有調味料攪勻至順滑, 再將調味料平均塗於雞脾皮內, 醃過夜

Mix all the seasoning well until smooth. Rub evenly the seasoning under the chicken leg skin. Marinade the chicken legs overnight.

Step 2:

焗爐用200度攝氏預熱, 將醃好的雞脾放於用錫紙包好的焗盤上, 皮向下, 先焗30分鐘, 將雞脾反轉再焗15分鐘即成

*用光波爐的話, 則不需預熱

Preheat the oven with 200 Celsius. Put the chicken legs (skin side down) on a baking rack covered with aluminum foil. Bake the chicken for 30 minutes. Turn the chicken legs over and bake another 15 minutes. Serve it hot.

.: 小貼士Cook's notes :.

1- 調味料特別是香草最好塗在雞皮下, 焗時就不會將香草燒焦變苦

2- 雞脾皮最後先焗才能令它脆口

3- 如果沒有時間醃過夜, 也就好醃它3個小時

4- 這食譜也適合於雞翼, 雞鎚, 或雞胸

1- Rub the seasoning under skin can protect the herbs when baking.

2- Bake the skin side at last 15 minutes in order to make it crispy.
3- Marinade the chicken at least 3 hours if you don't want to marinade it overnight.

4- This recipe can be used for chicken wings, thighs or breast.

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