[通少食譜]迷理黃金蘋果鬆 (Mimi apple crumb tarts)

[Prep 準備: 15 minutes | Cook 烹調: 30 minutes| Serve 份量: 4 | Calories 熱量: N/A per serving ]

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.: 材料 Ingredients :.

Group A

1- 小型急凍酥皮達4隻 (4 frozen tart shells)

2- 蘋果約2個, 去皮去核, 切粒 (Apple, cored,peeled, diced)

3- 黃糖2湯匙 (Brown sugar, 2 tbsp)

4- 牛油1湯匙 (Butter, 1 tbsp)

5- 玉桂粉1/2 茶匙 (Ground cinnamon, 1/2 tsp)

6- 檸檬汁1湯匙 (Lemon juice, 1 tbsp)

7- 粟粉1湯匙+凍水2湯匙, 攪勻 (Corn starch 1 tbsp + cold water 2 tbsp, mixed)

Group B

1- 杏仁片1/8杯 (Almond slices, 1/8 cup)

2- 黃糖2湯匙 (Brown sugar, 2 tbsp)

3- 牛油2湯匙, 放軟 (Soften butter, 2 tbsp)

4- 麵粉半杯 (All purpose flour, 1/2)

.: 做法 Directions :.
Step 1:

酥皮達按照酥皮盒裝的於室溫放軟10分鐘(不需解凍的), 焗爐用攝氏220度預熱, 用叉輕輕平均地於撻底刺滿小孔, 易潔鑊用中火起鑊, 將Group A 材料2-6放入炒勻, 煮5分鐘或至蘋果軟身, 加入生粉水攪勻至杰身, 盛起放涼備用
Thaw the pastry as per the box instruction (about 10 minutes). Preheat the oven with 220 celesius. Lightly prick bottom of pastry crust with a fork. Add
in Group A ingredient 2-6 in a sauce pan and mix it well. Cook the ingredients
over medium heat. Cover and simmer for 6-10 minutes or until apples
are softened. Add in the starch mixtures and mix until the sauce is
thickened. Put it aside and let it cool down.

Step 2:

焗爐用200度攝氏預熱, 將Group B 材料攪勻成碎粒, 蘋果料放入酥皮達內, 再用牛油糖碎蓋好撻面, 再每個平均鋪上杏仁片, 放入焗爐, 改用190度攝氏, 焗20分鐘, 取出待10分鐘即成

Preheat the oven with 200 Celsius. Mix the Group B ingredient well until the mixture is crumbly. Add the apple mixture into the tart shell and covers it with the butter mixture. Top each tart with the almond slices. Put the tarts into oven and
bake it over 190 degrees Celsius for 20 minutes. Take it out and cool
it down for 10 minutes before serve.

.: 小貼士Cook's notes :.

1- 於撻底刺滿小孔能避免焗時撻底會凸起

2- 糖可按自己喜好加減, 建議先跟我份量試一次先

3- 牛油碎(GroupB)如果弄不碎, 就要加多點麵粉

4- 焗完要放暖才好吃, 否則汁料過熱, 會很容易灼傷自己

1- Prick the bottom of pastry crust will prevent the dough from puffing up as it bakes.

2- Adjust the amount of sugar according to your own preference.

3- Add more flour if the butter mixture is not crumbly as expected.

4- Let the pies cool down a bit before serving as the sauce is boiling hot.

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