
Video: https://youtu.be/m-WT5W6f-O0

10隻大蝦 [fig2 Aqua Star]

200g 雜錦海鮮 [fig3 Aqua Star]

8 隻鮑魚 [fig 1 no brand]

2 tbsp 沙甸魚乾 [fig9 Shirakiku]
1 tsp 番紅花 [fig 10 McCormick]

3 tbsp 洋蔥粒

3 tbsp 紅椒粒

3 tbsp 番茄粒

1 tsp 蒜蓉

1.5 tsp 紅椒粉 [fig.8 mccormick]

1 cup 意大利米 [fig 4 Unico]

1 tsp 香草 [fig7 Club house】

2 薑

2 蒜頭

2 紅蔥頭

1 tsp 鹽

1 tsp 糖

雞湯 500毫升


2 tsp 鹽

1 tsp 蒜粉 [fig6 kirkland]

0.5 tsp 白胡椒粉


1. 海鮮用粟粉洗淨,用醃料醃15分鐘,蝦殼留用

2. 將薑、蒜頭、紅蔥頭、蝦殼爆香,加雞湯沙甸魚乾 ,番紅花煮滾,關火焗30分鐘

3. 將蒜蓉,洋蔥粒,紅椒粒,番茄粒炒香,加入意大利米和步驟2的海鮮湯

4. 大火煮3分鐘,蓋上蓋改中細火煮15分鐘

5. 海鮮炒至半熟,鋪上快煮開的海鮮飯上,熄火再焗5分鐘


10 frozen shrimps(16/20) [fig2 Aqua Star]

200g Seafood Medley [fig3 Aqua Star]

8 Abalone [fig 1 no brand]

2 Ginger slices

2 Clove of garlic

2 Shallots

2 tbsp Dried Anchovy [fig9 Shirakiku]

1 tsp saffron[fig 10 McCormick]

3 tbsp Diced onion

3 tbsp Diced bell pepper

3 tbsp Diced tomato

1 tsp Minced garlic

1.5 tsp Paprika [fig.8 mccormick]

1 cup Abrorio [fig 4 Unico]

1 tsp herbs [fig7 Club house】

1 tsp Sugar

1 tsp Salt

500 ml chicken broth


2 tsp Salt

1 tsp Garlic powder [fig6 kirkland]

0.5 tsp White pepper


1. Clean the seafood. Marinade it with the seasoning for 15 mins. Preserve the shell of shrimps

2. Pan fry the ginger, shallots, garlic. Add in chicken broth, anchovy and saffron. Bring it to boil. Turn off the heat. Simmer for 30 mins

3. Pan fry the minced garlic. Add in diced onion, pepper, tomato. Add in the rice, and the broth from step2

4. Cook the rice over high heat for 3 minutes. Cover and simmer 15 minutes under medium low heat

5. Pan fry the seafood until half done. Top on the rice. Turn off the heat. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes
