水牛城雞翼 / 重溫蛋撻

4月29:蒜蓉焗鷄柳 / 軟身曲奇餅 所有直播重溫: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLONn2Tn1mlRGCmusbVSxUJ6B0ZTLhL4Ev Whatsapp: 1 581 700 8108 水牛城雞翼: 雞翼分件(中翼和鎚)16件左右,粟粉或麵粉1杯, 汁:蒜蓉1湯匙,牛油4湯匙,酸味辣椒醬3湯匙,1湯匙檸檬汁,1茶匙紅椒粉 醃料:雞粉1茶匙,鹽1茶匙,糖1茶匙,紅椒粉( paprika), 1茶匙, 非別要,水1茶匙 蛋撻 (5隻) 焗爐焗10-15分鐘,攝氏190度 1 隻雞蛋(約55-60克),35g 砂糖,80ml 水,25ml 花奶 Buffalo Chicken Wings: About 16 pieces of chicken wings (middle wing and drumsticks), 1 cup of corn starch or flour Sauce: 1 tablespoons garlic, 4 tablespoons butter, 3 tablespoons sour chili sauce, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon paprika Marinade: 1 teaspoon of chicken powder, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tsp paprika (optional), 1 teaspoon of water Egg Tart (5 pcs) Oven for 10-15 minutes, 190 degrees Celsius 1 egg (about 55-60g), 35g sugar, 80ml water, 25ml evaporated milk #水牛城雞翼 #港式蛋撻 #直播
