
做法 Video:

材料 [牌子]:

12 雞翼 (切開分件)


1 Cup 中筋麵粉[fig4 Five Roses]

1 tbsp


2tsp 魚露 [fig1 三蟹]

1tsp 砂糖

1tsp 雞粉(非別要)[fig2 家樂牌]

1tsp 蒜粉 [fig3 Kirkland]

1tsp 黑椒粉

1 Cup 中筋麵粉 [fig4 Five Roses]

1 Cup 清水


Group A

1 tbsp 牛油 (無鹽) [fig5 Lactantia]

2 tbsp 蒜蓉

Group B

3tbsp 蜜糖 [fig6 Billy bee]

1tbsp 魚露 [fig1 三蟹]



焗爐》220 攝氏》8分鐘(每面)或

鑊煎》中大火》4-6 分鐘(每面)


1. 雞翼用醃料醃1小時或以上,鱗片材料攪拌成碎片備用

2. 雞翼沾上麵粉,沾水,沾上鱗片,用上述烹調方法時間焗熟

3. 將Group A醬汁用中火至蒜蓉微黃,放涼加入Group B醬汁攪勻

4. 雞翼淋上醬汁即成


12 Chicken wings (separated)


2tsp Fish sauce [fig1 3 crabs]

1tsp Sugar

1tsp Chicken powder(optional) [fig2 Knorr]

1tsp Garlic powder [fig3 Kirkland]

1tsp Black pepper

1 Cup All purpose flour [fig4 Five Roses]

1 Cup Water

Crust mixture

1 Cup All purpose flour [fig4 Five Roses]

1 tbsp Water

Sauce Mixture

Group A

1 tbsp Butter (non salted) [fig5 Lactantia]

2 tbsp Minced garlic

Group B

3tbsp Honey [fig6 Billy bee]

1tbsp Fish sauce [fig1 3 crab]

Cooking method and timing

Air fry> 195 Celsius> 6 minutes (each side) or

Oven grill> 220 Celsius> 8 minutes (each side) or

Pan fry> Medium high heat> 4-6minutes (each side)


1. Marinade the chicken wings for 1 hour or more. Make the crust mixture by adding water and flour in a sealable bag. Rub the bag until the flour and water turns into small pieces.

2. Chicken wings coat with flour, water and crust mixture. Choose one of the above cooking methods you like.

3. Pan fry the Group A sauce mixture until garlic turn light yellow. Let it cool down and add Group B sauce mixture. Mix it well

4. Pour the sauce mixture on top of the wings. Serve it hot.
