沙茶番茄排骨煲 - 超香勁好味 / 10碗飯都唔夠食


750g 排骨

1個 大番茄

1個 蔥,切段

1個 洋蔥,去皮切件

3個 薯仔去皮切件

1瓣 蒜頭,去皮拍開

1粒 紅蔥頭,去皮切件

10粒 芋絲(非必要)


2tbsp 沙茶醬

2 tsp 魚露

1 tsp 蒜粉
1 tsp 粟粉

1 tsp 油

1 tsp 砂糖


1tbsp 沙茶醬

2tsp 蠔油

1.5 tsp 魚露

400ml 清水

1 tsp 砂糖

芡粉水 (按情況加)

2tbsp 粟粉

4tbsp 清水


1. 排骨洗淨抹乾,加入醃料醃1個小時

2. 鑊用中大火燒熱,加入2tsp油,落排骨煎香一面

3. 加入 洋蔥、蔥白(青色留用)、紅蔥頭和蒜頭爆香,同時排骨反去另一面再煎

4. 加入番茄,薯仔和炒1分鐘,加入汁料煮滾,加入芋絲,蓋上蓋,轉細火燘30分鐘

5. 試味,逐少加入芡粉水埋獻,上碟加青蔥裝飾即可


750g pork ribs

1 large tomato

1 green onion, sectioned

1 onion, peeled and cut into pieces

3 potatos, peeled and cut into pieces

1 clove garlic, peeled

1 red shallot, peeled and cut into pieces

10 Yam Noodles (optional)


2tbsp Sa Cha sauce

2 tsp fish sauce
1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp cornstarch

1 tsp oil

1 tsp sugar

Sauce mixture

1tbsp Sa Cha sauce

2tsp oyster sauce

1.5 tsp fish sauce

400ml water

1 tsp sugar

Thickening (add as required)

2tbsp corn flour

4tbsp water


1. Wash the ribs and dry them well. Add the seasoning and marinade for 1 hour

2. Heat the pan over medium-high heat. Add 2tsp oil. Add in the pork side and pan fry until one side is golden

3. Add onion, green onion (the white part only), red onion and garlic until fragrant. Meanwhile, turn the ribs to the other side. Continue to pan fry it.

4. Add tomatoes, potatoes and stir-fry for 1 minute. Add sauce mixture and bring to boil. Add in the yam noodle. Cover, turn to low heat. Simmer for 30 minutes

5. Taste and adjust it accordingly. Add the thickening until the sauce is glossy and thick. Top with some green onion. Serve it hot.
