
材料3人份量 意粉300g 免治豬肉
100g 免治牛肉
(或400g 單一肉類)
2湯匙 蒜蓉
2湯匙 紅蔥頭,切粒
半個 洋蔥,切粒
1條 西芹,切幼粒
1 條 紅蘿蔔,切幼粒
1個 中番茄,切粒
2 塊 月桂葉
120g 水牛芝士碎

1/4 tsp 黑椒粉
2 tsp 糖
3 tbsp 茄膏
1 tsp 美極鮮醬油
2 tbsp 茄汁
2 tbsp 牛油
2 tsp 喼汁
1 tsp 老抽
240毫升 雞湯
100毫升 清水

1.5 tbsp 粟粉
2 tbsp 水

IngredientsSpaghetti for 3 people300g Minced pork
100g Minced beef
(or 400g of either one type of meat)
1/2 Onion, diced
1 stalk celery, diced
1 stalk red carrot, diced
1 beef tomato, diced
2 bay leave
120g Mozzarella cheese, grated
2tbsp minced garlic
2tbsp shallot, diced

Sauce mixture
1/4 tsp Ground black pepper
1.5 tsp Sugar
2.5 tbsp Tomato paste
2/3 tsp Maggi soy sauce
1.5 tbsp ketchup
2 tbsp butter
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp Dark soy sauce
300ml chicken broth
100ml water

1.5 tbsp Cornstarch
2 tbsp Water
