
氣炸蝦多士 ,零失敗15分鐘就可以完美做好,加上特別秘製鬆脆麵包糠,味道不但鬆脆,而且爽口美味,再配上惹味泰國辣雞醬,oh my god,食完一塊別想停口,做法簡單易做新手都能做到,一定要試下,包你滿意

Video: https://youtu.be/1-Aesovatsc

250g 蝦仁
1塊 方包
1隻 蛋黃

0.5 tsp 鹽
0.5 tsp 蒜粉
1 tsp 粟粉
0.5 tsp 麻油
1 tbsp 蛋白
40g 麵包糠
1 tsp 麻油
1 tbsp 菜油
氣炸鍋:攝氏190度 | 6-9分鐘
焗爐:攝氏200度 | 12-14分鐘

Video: https://youtu.be/1-Aesovatsc
1 蝦仁用刀拍扁,加入調味料攪勻
2 方包切開4份,將蝦滑平均鋪上
3 蝦滑塗上蛋漿,鋪上炸皮
4 用上述時間溫度焗至金黃

Ingredients[click image to enlarge]
250g frozen shrimps
1 slice of bread
1 egg yolk
0.5 tsp tsp
0.5 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp cornstarch
0.5 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp egg white
Seasoned breadcrumbs
40g dry breadcrumbs
1 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp vegetable oil
Cooking temperature and time
Air fryer:190 Celsius | 6-9 mins
Oven:200 Celsius | 12-14 mins

Steps [Please watch the video for detail]
Video: https://youtu.be/1-Aesovatsc
1 Smash the shrimps by using the side of cleaver knife. Marinade it with the seasoning
2 Cut the bread into 4 pieces. Spread evenly the shrimp mixture evenly on each piece of bread
3 Coat the shrimps with egg yolk. Cover it with seasoned breadcrumbs
4 Cook the shrimp toasts with the cooking temperature and time mentioned above
