
Video: https://youtu.be/hQzjhV-2xbA

材料 (4人份量)

1隻 燒鴨 [fig1]
500g 冬瓜 [fig2]
2瓣 蒜頭
2片 薑片

400ml 雞湯 [fig3]
200ml 水
2條 蔥
2粒 八角 [fig4]


Video: https://youtu.be/hQzjhV-2xbA
1 將燒鴨起骨,鴨肉切件
2 將鴨骨、蒜頭、薑片和湯料大火煮滾,轉細火燜30分鐘
3 400ml火鴨湯加入冬瓜粒細火燜20分鐘或至腍
4 鋪上鴨肉細火燜5分鐘即可


Ingredients (for 4)
1 Chinese roasted duck [fig1]
500g Winter melon [fig2]
2 cloves of garlic
2 slices of ginger

Duck broth
400ml chicken broth [fig3]
200ml water
2 stalks of green onion
2 Star anise [fig4]
How to debone roasted duck video:

Steps [Please watch the video for detail]
Video: https://youtu.be/hQzjhV-2xbA
1 Debone the roasted duck. Cut the meat into pieces
2 Put the pork, garlic, ginger and the broth in a pot. Bring it to boil. Simmer over low heat for 30 mins
3 Add in 400ml duck broth from step 2. Add in the diced winter melon. Simmer over low heat for 20 mins
4 Top with the roasted duck meat. Continue to simmer over low heat for 5 mins. Serve it hot.
* if you don't debone the duck, simmer the duck with the winter melon together at step 3
