咖哩鱼蛋 | 秘製配方全公開 | 咖哩汁香濃惹味 | 味道充滿港式風味

咖哩鱼蛋 ,今次分享一下秘製配方,材料簡單,即使身處海外,都可以吃到味道充滿港式風味的咖喱鱼蛋,大家學識就可以開檔啦,希望大家喜歡

Video: https://youtu.be/cnWK6d0yO_4


16-20粒 炸魚蛋 [fig1]


500ml 水
1 tbsp 雞粉 [fig2]
1 tbsp 糖
1 tbsp 咖喱粉 [fig3]
1 tsp 辣椒粉 [fig4]
1 tsp 魚露 [fig5]
1 tbsp 蠔油 [fig6]
2 tbsp 咖喱醬 [fig7]

Video: https://youtu.be/cnWK6d0yO_4
1 魚蛋用熱水洗淨,隔水備用
2 汁料用大火滾起試味,加入魚蛋煮1分鐘
3 轉細火,蓋上蓋,炆20分鐘即可

16-20 pieces fried fish balls [fig1]

Sauce mixture
500ml water
1 tbsp chicken powder [fig2]
1 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp curry powder [fig3]
1 tsp chili powder [fig4]
1 tsp fish sauce [fig5]
1 tbsp oyster sauce [fig6]
2 tbsp curry paste [fig7]

Steps [Please watch the video for detail]
Video: https://youtu.be/cnWK6d0yO_4
1 Rinse the fish eggs with hot water. Drain it well.
2 Bring the sauce to boil over high heat. Do a taste test. Add in fish balls and cook for 1 minute
3 Turn to low heat, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes
