

2-4人份材料 [按下圖片放大]6隻 雞槌(約120g 一隻)
2杯 絲苗米(約380g) [fig1]2杯 雞湯 (約420ml) [fig2]

雞肉醃料1 tbsp 魚露 [fig3]
1 tbp 黃薑粉 [fig4]
1.5 tsp 糖
1 tsp 雞粉(非必要) [fig5]
1.5 tsp 蒜粉 [fig6]
2 tsp 粟粉 [fig7]

0.5 tsp 黃薑粉 [fig4]
0.5 tsp 鹽
0.5 tsp 蒜粉 [fig6]
1 tbsp 香酥紅蔥片 [fig8]

Video: https://youtu.be/QBMsoulCakg
1 雞槌用醃料醃1小時以上,放上飯煲蒸架備用
2 飯洗淨放入飯煲內膽,加雞飯調味料和雞湯
3 飯煲內膽放入飯煲,加上鋪滿雞槌蒸架,按下按鈕煮飯(至少都要煮40分鐘)
** 注意
1 若飯煲高速煮好但雞肉未熟,最好用鑊,用大火隔水蒸,將未熟的雞槌煮熟2 若沒有電飯煲蒸架,可以用鑊,大火隔水蒸30分鐘,將雞槌煮熟,再將熟雞槌放回煮好飯上(碟內汁液不要),焗15分鐘

Ingredients for 2-4 [click the image to enlarge]
6 chicken drumsticks (about 120g each)
2 cups Jasmine rice (about 380g) [fig1]
2 cups chicken broth (about 420ml) [fig2]

Chicken seasoning
1 tbsp fish sauce [fig3]
1 tbp turmeric powder [fig4]
1.5 tsp sugar
1 tsp chicken powder (optional) [fig5]
1.5 tsp garlic powder [fig6]
2 tsp corn starch [fig7]

Rice Seasoning
0.5 tsp turmeric [fig4]
0.5 tsp salt
0.5 tsp garlic powder [fig6]
1 tbsp Fried shallots slices [fig8]

Steps [see the video for detailed steps]
Video: https://youtu.be/QBMsoulCakg
1 Marinate the chicken drumsticks with chicken seasoning for 1 hour or more.  Place them into a rice cooker steam rack. Put is aside.
2 Rinse the rice.  Put it into the inner pot of the rice cooker.  Add rice seasoning and chicken broth
3 Put the inner pot of the rice cooker into the rice cooker. Add a steaming rack with chicken drumsticks.  Press the button to cook the rice (at least 40 minutes)

** Note
1 If the rice cooker cooked the rice but chicken is undercooked. It is best to remove it from rice cooker and steam it over high heat in a boiler until the chicken is cooked through.
2 If there is no rice cooker steaming rack, steam over high heat in a boiler for 30 minutes.  Then put the cooked chicken back on the cooked rice.  Let it sit on the rice for 15 minutes
