
2隻 雞蛋(發勻)+ 0.25 tsp 鹽

1碗 白飯
100g 任何肉類(可以先炒熟)
30g 雜豆
2 tbsp 茄汁
0.5 tsp 鹽
0.5 tsp 糖

1塊 芝士

1 tbsp茄汁
50ml 水
2 tsp 黃糖

1 先將飯,用大火加入其他材料炒成茄汁炒飯,盛起備用
2 鑊洗淨,用中火燒熱,加入1tsp油,再用紙抹乾凈
3 倒入蛋漿慢慢煎到8成熟,放上碟
4 再鋪上芝士,炒飯,摺好,倒扣上碟,加上醬汁即成

Egg mixture
2 eggs (smoothed) + 0.25 tsp salt

Fried rice ingredients
1 bowl of rice
100g any kind of meat (you can cook the meat in advance)
30g mixed beans
2 tbsp. ketchup
0.5 tsp salt

other materials
1 slice of cheese

1 tbsp. ketchup
50ml water
2 tsp yellow soup

1 Stir the rice over high heat in a pan with 1 tsp of oil.  Add in fried rice ingredients and mix well.  Add in ketchup and mix it well. Set it aside
2 Clean the pan. Heat it over medium heat, add 1 tsp oil, and wipe the oil away
3 Pour in egg mixture in the pan.  Pan fry slowly over medium heat until 80% done.  Place it on a plate
4 Top with the cheese, fried rice, and fold it.  Cover with a plate and turn it over, add sauce and serve
