賀年菜式:金玉滿堂 (黃金玉子豆腐配海鮮)

200g 帶殼急凍鮑魚(約4-5隻)
* 可改帶子,或蝦仁,或豬肉碎,或雞肉絲
1個[40g] 洋蔥切絲
400g 玉子豆腐
200g 中蝦, 去殼, 切粒
* 可改蟹柳
1 蛋, 發勻
50g 雜豆
1 tbsp 牛油
25g 麵粉

0.5 tsp 鹽
0.25 tsp 白胡椒粉
0.5 tsp 蒜粉

200ml 雞湯 (有鹹味)

2 tbsp 粟粉 [fig4]
+ 2 tbsp 水

1 鮑魚,蝦仁洗淨,切粒,用醃料醃15分鐘
2 玉子豆腐兩面沾上生粉, 中火熱油煎至兩面金黃,上碟備用
2 用中大火,將鮑魚,蝦仁加牛油煎至金黃,若7成熟,盛起備用
3 原鑊加入洋蔥絲和雜豆,炒至洋蔥軟身、加入汁料煮滾
4 改中火,加回鮑魚,蝦仁,逐少加入粟粉水勾芡,再加入蛋漿攪拌成蛋花
5 淋上玉子豆腐上即可

Ingredients for 4 [click the image to enlarge]
200g frozen abalone with shell (about 4-5 pieces)
* Can be replaced by scallops, or shrimp, or minced pork, or shredded chicken
1 piece [40g] shredded onion
400g Egg tofu
200g medium shrimp, shelled and diced
* Can be replaced by crab sticks
1 egg, beaten
50g mixed vegetable
1 tbsp butter
25g flour

Seafood seasoning
0.5 tsp salt
0.25 tsp white pepper
0.5 tsp garlic powder

Sauce mixture:
200ml chicken broth (salty)
50ml milk or cream
0.5 tsp salt
0.5 tsp sugar
1tbsp butter

Cornstarch mixture
2 tbsp Corn starch [fig4]
+ 2 tbsp water

Steps [see the video for detailed steps]
1 Wash abalone and shrimp, cut into small pieces, marinate for 15 minutes
2 Coat the egg tofu with flour on both sides.  Pan fry in medium heat until golden on both sides.  Dish it up and set aside
2 Stir fry the abalone and shrimp until golden brown over medium-high heat.  Set them aside
3 Add in shredded onion and mixed vegetable.  Stir fry until the onion is soft. Add the sauce mixture and bring it boil
4 Change to medium heat.  Add back the abalone and shrimps.  Add cornstarch mixture to thicken the sauce.  Add beaten egg.  Stir until it is cooked
5 Pour the ingredients and sauce over the egg tofu.  Serve it hot.
