
450g 豬肉
200g 米粉(選擇粗身的較好操作,例如排粉)
1罐(250g) 罐頭雪菜2 tsp 辣椒粒(非必要)
400ml 雞湯
100ml 水

1 tsp 鹽
1 tsp 糖
1 tsp 粟粉
1 tsp 蒜粉
1 tsp 油
200毫升 雞湯1 tsp 糖

2 tsp 粟粉
3 tsp 水

1 將豬肉用醃料醃製15分鐘
2 米粉按照包裝指示煮至半熟(通常都是煮3-5分鐘),隔好水,用布或鑊蓋蓋著15分鐘
3 鑊用中大火燒熱,加入1tsp油,將豬肉兩面煎至金黃
4 加入雪菜(和辣椒),炒至雪菜乾身無水,加入汁料煮滾,試味,勾芡至濃稠
5 雞湯和水煮滾,加入米粉煮熟,放入湯碗,上面再加雪菜肉絲料即可

Ingredients for 2-3 
450g pork
200g vermicelli
1 can (250g) canned pickled cabbage
2 tsp diced chili (optional)
400ml chicken broth
100ml water

1 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp cornstarch
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp oil

Sauce mixture
200ml chicken broth
1 tsp sugar

Cornstarch mixture
2 tsp cornstarch
3 tsp water

1 Marinate the pork with seasoning for 15 minutes
2 Cook the vermicelli according to the package instructions (usually cook for 3-5 minutes), Drain it well.  Cover with a cloth for 15 minutes
3 Heat up a pan over medium-high heat.  Add 1 tsp oil. Pan fry the pork on both sides until golden brown
4 Add the pickled cabbage (and chili). Stir-fry until the cabbages are dry.  Add in the sauce mixture and bring it to boil.  Do a taste test.  Then thicken the sauce mixture with cornstarch mixture.
5 Bring the chicken broth and water to boil.  Add vermicelli.  Put all into a soup bowl.  Top with cooked sauce mixture from step 4.  Serve it hot.
