
直播Video: https://youtu.be/L2Hg9vCvrcA

Group A
70g-100g 砂糖
0.5 tbsp 雲尼拿油
0.25 tsp 鹽
60g 牛油溶液
1 (50g) 雞蛋
125ml 白脫牛奶(或全脂奶+2 tsp 檸檬汁 或 含糖乳酪)

Group B
160g 中筋麵粉
0.5 tbsp (6g) 泡打粉
0.5 tsp (3g) 梳打粉

Group C
80-100g 朱古力碎

1 焗爐220°C/425°F預熱好,將Group A 材料攪拌至完全順滑
2 加入Group B 材料輕力攪拌混合即可,再加入朱古力碎混合好
3 粉漿放入muffin 專用焗盤,填滿每個muffin模
4 放入焗爐,220°C/425°F先焗4-6分鐘,然後轉180°C/355°F 再焗10-12分鐘即可
(mini 就先220°C/425°F先焗3-5分鐘,然後轉180°C/355°F 再焗6-8分鐘即可)

Ingredients for  6 medium or 12 mini muffin
Group A
70g-100g granulated sugar
0.5 tbsp Vanilla extract
0.25 tsp salt
60g melted butter
1 (50g) egg
125ml buttermilk (or whole milk + 2 tsp lemon juice or yogurt)

Group B
160g all-purpose flour
0.5 tbsp (6g) baking powder
0.5 tsp (3g) baking powder

Group C
80-100g chopped milk chocolate

1 Preheat the oven at 220°C/425°F, stir the Group A ingredients until they are smooth
2 Sieve in the Group B ingredients.  lightly mix until combined.  Add the chocolate chips and mix well
3 Put the mixture into the muffin pan.  Fill up each muffin mold
4 Put it in the oven, bake at 220°C/425°F for 4-6 minutes, then lower the heat to 180°C/355°F and bake for 10-12 minutes.
(For mini, bake at 220°C/425°F for 3-5 minutes, then lower the heat to 180°C/355°F and then bake for 6-8 minutes)
