
Live Video: https://youtu.be/wpGKMAZXcZU
800g 雞翼
60g 粟米片
2 tbsp 麵粉

1 tsp 雞粉
1 tsp 海鹽
1 tsp 蒜粉
1 隻 雞蛋
50ml 乳酪(非必要)

4 tbsp 茄汁
2 tbsp 蜜糖
1 tbsp 韓國辣醬
* 不要辣就改用海鮮醬
1 tsp 麻油

1 雞翼用醃料醃製1小時甚至過夜
2 將粟米片放入膠袋壓碎,混合麵粉,再放入雞翼,將雞翼上好粉
3 用氣炸鍋攝氏190度8分鐘,反轉,攝氏200度5分鐘即可
* 用鑊煎:鑊加入50ml 油中火燒熱,每面煎約3-4分鐘即可
4 醬汁混合好,伴雞翼享用

800g chicken wings
60g corn flakes
2 tbsp flour

1 tsp chicken powder
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp garlic powder
1 egg
50ml yogurt (optional)

Sauce mixture
4 tbsp tomato sauce
2 tbsp honey
1 tbsp Korean hot sauce
* Don't be spicy, use hoisin sauce
1 tsp sesame oil

1 Chicken wings marinated for 1 hour or overnight
2 Put the corn flakes in a plastic bag and crush them.  Add in the flour and mix well. Add in the chicken wings and coat well each wing.
3 Use an air fryer at 190 degrees Celsius for 8 minutes.  Flip it over.  Air fry at 200 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes
* Frying pan: add 50ml of oil to the frying pan and heat over medium heat, and fry for about 3-4 minutes on each side
4 Mix the sauce mixture.  Serve with the chicken wings
