
材料 4人份量: 
8隻  雞槌,起骨  
4tbsp    中筋麵粉或粟粉
2-4tbsp 芫茜碎

2tbsp  印尼甜豉油
1tbsp  海鮮醬
1tbsp 青檸汁
150ml 水

1 tbsp 粟粉
3 tbsp 水

1tsp 蒜粉
1tbsp 魚露 
2tsp 糖

1 雞扒加入醃料醃30分鐘或以上
2 煎前撲上麵粉或粟粉
3 中火燒熱鑊,落2tsp油燒熱,落雞扒(皮那邊)煎至金黃(若2分鐘),反轉
4 繼續煎至另一面都金黃(若2分鐘),加入100ml 熱水,轉中火蓋上鑊蓋繼續煮6-8分鐘
【* 雞扒太厚可以加2-4分鐘,不夠水要加熱水補充】
5 開蓋,雞扒取出,鑊內添加熱水至150ml,加入汁料煮滾,加入芫茜碎和芡粉水勾芡至濃稠
6 雞扒回鑊沾上汁料上碟搽上蜜糖即可
Ingredients for 4 people:
8 chicken thighs, deboned
1tbsp honey
4tbsp all-purpose flour or cornstarch
2-4tbsp diced coriander

Sauce mixture
2tbsp Indonesian sweet soy sauce
1tbsp Hoisin Sauce
1tbsp lime juice
150ml water

Cornstarch mixture
1 tbsp cornstarch
3 tbsp water

1tsp garlic powder
1tbsp fish sauce
2tsp sugar

1 Marinade the chicken for at least 30 mins 
2 Coat the chicken with flour or cornstarch before pan frying
3 Heat a wok over medium heat.  Add 2 tsp of oil  over medium heat.  Add in chicken (the skin side down).  Pan fry until the skin is golden brown (about 2 minutes)
4 Flip over.  Continue to pan fry until the other side is also golden brown (about 2 minutes).  Add 100ml of hot water.  Cover the pan with a lid.  Simmer for 6-8 minutes over low heat
[* If the chicken is super thick, add additional 2-4 minutes to simmer it.  If the pan is running out of water, refill it with some hot water]
5 Open the lid.  Remove the chicken.  Fill up the pan with hot water until 150ml.  Add in coriander and sauce mixture.  Bring it to boil.  Thicken the sauce with cornstarch mixture
6 Add back the chicken and coat with the sauce.  Dish it up and top with honey.  Serve it hot
