5 個可能會激死香港人嘅問題 5 questions trying to piss off someone from Hong Kong


1. 你明明係中國人,做乜唔話你係中國人?


2. 香港係咪係日本?


3. 你係咪識打功夫架?


4. 你可以用Facebook? (另加一個驚訝嘅樣!)


5. 下!你咁揀飲擇食嘅?你哋唔係乜都食㗎咩?



When going abroad, sometimes we have to introduce ourselves. It’s pretty common to tell people where we come from after telling our names, and sometimes it takes me sooo much time to explain and clarify when people asked me the following questions!

1. You are Chinese, why don’t you tell people you are from China?

Identity. Undoubtedly, most of our ancestors are Chinese, and politically and officially speaking, Hong Kong returned to China. So if you insist I should tell you I am from China instead of Hong Kong, I will be kinda speechless. But, do you know that we have our own government, currency, law, education system and even our own team in the Olympic Games. When there are so much difference in education background and culture, if you insist, I may feel you are so ignorant in the bottom of my heart. And seriously, will an American-born-Chinese tell people he’s from China?

2. Is Hong Kong in Japan?

Well, I don’t know why people have this perception. In fact, it took us 4 hours to take a plane to go to Tokyo from Hong Kong.

3. Do you know how to play Kung Fu?

Maybe the impacts of Bruce Lee and Jacky Chan are too influential, or maybe some people heard that Korean kids will learn Taekwondo and thought Asians kids will do the same. So I will usually tell my foreign new friends that ‘yes, we all learn it since we were really young! Do you believe I can kill you with only one finger?’

4. You can use Facebook? (With a SHOCKING face!)

You are right! I HAVE FACEBOOK! There are actually 4 million Facebook accounts from Hong Kong, it’s 75% of all the internet users.

5. You are so picky when it comes to food, aren’t you guys eat everything?

In Hong Kong, the meat that we mainly eat are pork, beef, chicken, fish and seafood. Please don’t misunderstand that we love eating all kinds of weird animals!

If you have some other suggestions or comments, please share! (:
