簡單外國生活食譜 番茄炒蛋湯麵 – easy live abroad recipe Scrambled Egg with Tomato and Noodle in soup

快 靚 正!兼且色香味俱全!唔係番茄炒蛋仲有啲咩!簡單一個番茄炒蛋,唔同人都可能有少少唔同嘅做法,呢個係我覺得最好味嘅做法!

Quick Easy Yummy! Looks pretty and smells good too! This is a simple dish that we love to eat in Hong Kong! Though different people may have slightly different way to make it, but this is how i make it for my meal!

準備時間 preparation time : 15mins

材料 ingredients (for 3 people) :
洋蔥Onion 1/2 (細/Small)

番茄 Tomatoes 2

雞蛋 Egg 2

Noodle 1

鹽 Salt

橄欖油 Olive Oil

黑椒 Black Pepper

豉油 Soy Sauce

麻油 Sesame Oil

工具 equipment :

小煎Pan Saucepan

煲 Pot

步驟 procedure :

1. 先把洋蔥,番茄切粒,備用

2. 煮滾500mL水,加鹽,黑椒及一半番茄,煮5-10分鐘 (下稱番茄湯)

3. 把橄欖油加至煎pan中,開大火,直至油熱後,轉中細火並把洋蔥炒至軟身

4. 洋蔥軟身後,把番茄一起放到煎pan內,以中火煮5分鐘 (或至麵差不多煮熟)

5. 當番茄湯準備好後,加入豉油及麻油,把麵放進 (不同麵需時不同,請根據包裝上說明)

6. 麵差不多熟時,加些少鹽及胡椒到番茄中,把雞蛋打勻,倒進煎pan內

7. 保持中火,待蛋汁底部開始凝結,重複至再沒有蛋汁

8. 熄火,上碟即可!

1. Chopped he onion and tomatoes to small pieces

2.  Put 500mL water to boil, add salt, pepper and half of the tomatoes, cook for around 5-10mins (tomato soup below)

3. Add Olive oil to the saucepan, turn up the heat until the oil is hot, turn it to medium-small fire and add onion, fry till soften

4. When the onion is ready, put the rest of the tomatoes into the saucepan, cook for 5 mins under medium fire (or until the noodles is almost ready)

5. When the tomato soup is ready, add soy sauce and sesame oil, and put the noodles in (Different noodles have different cooking time, please follow the instructions on the package)

6. Put some salt and pepper to the tomato, mix the eggs and put them into the saucepan when the noodles are almost ready

7. Keep it at medium fire, don’t stir the egg until it starts to set, stir and let some other egg to set, repeat until they are all just set

 8. Switch off both of the fire and serve now!

心得 little tips :

1. 如想番茄湯更濃,可在加入番茄後加入茄膏 (好似牙膏個種) If you want the Tomato soup to be more rich, add some tomato paste after putting in the tomatoes

2. 小心炒蛋,不要過老 Be careful and don’t overcook the scrambled egg
