德國開心100日 #100happydays of Germany – Day 1-7

最近係Facebook見到朋友參加咗一個campaign,叫100happydays! 係一個自己俾自己嘅挑戰,每日影張相去記錄低令自己開心嘅事,大事小事都可以,成功完成會有一本紀錄晒一百日嘅小小嘅書仔俾返你。


Recently a friend of mine join an online campaign called 100happydays. It’s a challenge for yourself, to take a picture every day and record what makes you happy, it can be something big or something tiny. If you succeed the challenge, you will get a little book which record the 100 days!

Determine to challenge myself! For the coming 100 days, i will take a picture every day, and upload the photos here every week! i believe there will be some difference when i am sharing my happy life in Germany than Hong Kong ;)

Day 1 the clouds in the beautiful blue sky makes my day! :)

Day 2 Happiness is having lotslotslotslots countless of gummybears after lunch (((:

Day 3 Happiness is sharing my delicious homemade cookies and creating a little surprise to people around me (:

Day 4 What is happier than receiving a surprise belated Christmas card from your bff?! such a beautiful card and it’s soooo sweet of you! :DDD

Day 5 Great dinner with my teammates and some +1s, and drinks afterwards (: it was fun! Happiness is to have fun with people around me ;DDD

Day 6 Happiness is adding my favourite alcohol bottle to the flat’s collection…HAHAHAHAHA

Day 7 Chilling in a coffee shop once in a while is a good way to cheer my life! (not always though, thinking about the calories…) ;P
