德國開心100日 #100happydays of Germany – Day 8-14

Day 8
What is so blue? The sky is so blue. Only sun but not any cloud, birds or plane. Feeling peaceful is a state of happiness. Wish every one can also enjoy this peacefulness.

Day 9 -  Private photo

Happiness is seeing & catching up with my teammate at work after 3 weeks and together we discover HK people have the highest IQ on average! WAHAHAHAHAHA :DDD

Day 10
Playing stupid game makes me happy: See how many fruits we can stack! lol hahaha

Day 11 – Private Photo

Bowbowbowling is super fun!! even though i m not always good, it’s fun to have fun!! hohoho

Day 12
unexpected super red and bright sunset when it was raining and cloudy for the whole day! makes my day!

Day 13
the lady in front of me when paying at the supermarket left her coffee at the edge of the ‘transporting-belt’, which in the beginning i didn’t know it was hers. But when she was paying, she looked so confused. even though i didn’t know what she’s saying, i asked if she was looking for a bag of coffee, i said it was left there, and then i got it for her…with everyone behind me looking strange at me. She got it and paid for her coffee, saying ‘Thank you’ to me in english. Just a little thank you, but it made my day! you never know how powerful 2 little simple words can be!

Day 14
Build a wardrobe. old one’s gone, new one comes! just a very practical one (;

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