德國開心100日 #100happydays of Germany – Day 22-28

Day 22
Good to see a few good friends, twin babies, girl who turns into wife, all in one day (;

Day 23
Happiness is to walk around and feel your city. Enjoys the same old thing you always like, and embraces the new changes you can’t do anything about.

Day 24
Hohoho making Chinese New Year radish cake with grandma is one of the super duper happiest things! I will try to make one by myself once I go back to Germany! Hahahha got the secret recipe now (x

Day 25
happiness is to walk slowly and enjoy life neglect how busy n crowded the world is

Day 26 hohoho its cool to have freshly-baked yummyyummy ‘pineapple bun’ as breakfast!

Day 27
It’s awesome to be in HK and celebrate Chinese New Year, eat yumyum New Year food and get red packets by myself! WAHAHAHA!

Day 28
Hohoho 1 side of my luggage is ready! What’s for the other side?! Still have a few days to shop and equip though! ;DDD

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