德國開心100日 #100happydays of Germany – Day 29-35

Day 30
ohlalalalalaaaa cant imagine how much delicious food i ate today!!! pepper lunch and then a lot and a lot of mommy yummmmmmmy food!!!!

Day 31
got a small souvenir from India, it’s time for Bollywood! ;DDD

Day 32
Thai food – checked! All the food on i-want-to-eat-in-hk-list is checked! Ready to go back with the chubbbby me now! ;DDD

Day 33
Its a bit tough to have 2 suitcases with me after such a long flight! Esp the big one is broken! Pffff but its good to be back n feel the chill (((:

Day 34
Morning firefighters! Friday morning with false alarm before getting into the office! Its not nice to see them if there’s really accident, but seeing them today without an accident makes a difference in my normal routine!

Day 35
you kno your room is toooooo dry when the skin of your tangerines becomes crispy!! what an indicator!

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