Kyle Lowry表示自己的拇指傷影響了傳球準確性

多倫多速龍隊的控衛Kyle Lowry說左手拇指傷勢確實影響了他的傳球能力。

Kyle Lowry在對陣費城76人隊的東岸半決賽中傷了拇指。Kyle Lowry表示將在夏天整理傷患,並暗示他可能不得不接受輕微的手術。
引用Kyle Lowry在ESPN的The Jump上露面時說道:「關於傳球一事,我是一個以傳球為先的球員。你知道,傳球牽涉到的,那種球的運動,處理球都會用到手指的力量。老實說在比賽中我感覺不到我的拇指。賽季結束後我將不得不整理傷患,但我現在不想談論它。我沒有抱怨過,我不關心它,我將繼續做我需要做的事情,以確保我可以在高水平發揮。就是這樣。」

“It’s about passing. I’m a big passer,” Lowry said during an appearance on ESPN’s The Jump. “You know, the flicking of the passing, the kind of — the ball movement, handling the ball. During the game, honestly, I can’t feel my thumb.

“I’ll have to take care of it after the season but I don’t want to talk about it as much. I haven’t complained about it, I won’t complain about it, I don’t care about it; I’m going to continue to do the things I need to do to make sure I can play at a high level. And that’s it.”

在東岸季後賽中,Kyle Lowry場均貢獻14.7分,5.2個籃板和6.4次助攻,投籃命中率為44.4%,三分命中率為35.5%,罰球命中率為80.6%。




標籤: Kyle Lowry