「給予強大的Dwight Howard」O'Neal竟然給予Howard正面的忠告!

三天前,O'Neal才直說不知道Dwight Howard是誰,還改了他的名字來取笑。
今天O'Neal竟然在信息中提到「給予強大的Dwight Howard」,並建議Howard「他需要更多的低位,很深的低位!」


引用O'Neal通過Dan Patrick Show表示:「聽着,我希望他一切安好。我對他的唯一建議就是他需要打低位,很深很深的低位。真的很深。我知道他是一個大個子,他努力訓練想贏得冠軍,他是可以完成它。我給偉大的Dwight Howard的信息是,我知道每個人都在指望你。我知道每個人都在打擾你。但是如果你在低位表現得很憤怒,並以強捍的身軀強攻內線,並停止開玩笑......LeBron James和Kyle Kuzma都可以好好地利用,因為你們實際上是有一支優秀的球隊。在我34歲的時候我在邁阿密熱火,我和Howard一樣。當我離開洛杉磯轉投熱火的時候,人們以為我已經不再當打了,但是我依然能低位。我會說『你知道嗎?我可以做到這一點。』如果他做了他應該做的一切,保持專注,不開玩笑,不嬉戲。只需集中打內線,它們可能會贏得總冠軍。」

Per The Dan Patrick Show (via USA Today):

“Listen, I wish him well,” O’Neal said. “My only advice to him is he needs to dig, dig deep. Really deep. I know he’s a big man, he’s worked hard, he wants to win a championship, and he can get it done.

” … My message to the great Dwight Howard is, I know everybody’s counting you out. I know everybody’s messing with you. But if you dig deep down and play with that anger, and play with that ferocity, and stop kidding around … Use LeBron [James] and Kyle Kuzma, because you’ve actually got a good team.

“In Miami, I was 34, same as Dwight. On my way out. People thought I was washed up when I left L.A., but I dug deep down. I said ‘you know what? I can do this.’ If he does everything like he’s supposed to do – focus, no joking, no playing – just dig deep down and really, really want it, they could possibly win.”
引用與此同時,Howard相信任何O'Neal的言論都無阻他在洛杉磯想要完成的事情。Howard在周三晚上的Instagram Live中回應O'Neal的講話:「沒關係,我不會在這裡談論Shaq,他說了什麼,他做了什麼。這與我正在嘗試做的事情無關。所以,不要跟我告訴我別人對我說的話。我只集中做一件事(訓練)。」

Dwight, meanwhile, believes Shaq’s words are “irrelevant” to what he’s trying to accomplish in his return to Los Angeles.

Per TMZ:

“It’s okay, I’m not here to talk about Shaq,” Howard said in an Instagram Live post late Wednesday. “What he said, what he did. It’s irrelevant to what I’m trying to do.

“So, don’t talk to me about what anybody else said about me. My focus is on one thing.”


標籤: O'Neal  Howard