美媒曝Dwight Howard加盟前主動向湖人管理層大膽提議

湖人位居西岸第一位的成功,有賴LeBron James和Anthony Davis之餘,一眾副手也不容忽視。早前一直被外界批評的Dwight Howard也成功在湖人重新做人,沒有讓人失望。就著Dwight Howard早前在夏天加盟湖人的決定,美媒曝光當時Dwight Howard大膽又自信的舉動。
引用根據ESPN的Ramona Shelburne的報導,Dwight Howard主動向湖人管理層提議簽下不保證合同

我認為Dwight,這可以追溯到為什麼湖人隊首先以這種方式與他簽訂合同的原因。這是Dwight自己要求的,那是他的主意。那不是湖人提出『哦,這是我們這樣做的唯一方法!』Dwight Howard和他的經紀人表示『是的,我們將簽無保證合約來向你們展示我們的決心。』」

“I think with Dwight, it also goes back to why the Lakers signed that contract with him that way in the first place. Dwight asked for that. That was his idea. That wasn’t the Lakers saying ‘oh this is the only way we’ll do it.’ This was Dwight and his agent saying ‘yes, we’ll do non-guaranteed just to show you how committed we are to being this kind of player.’”

Dwight Howard再次重返洛杉磯湖人尋找贖回機會,他似乎已經邁向成功了。在23場比賽中,Dwight Howard場均得到7.0分和7.1個籃板,他有助加強湖人的板凳深度。

