Carmelo Anthony曝Chris Paul今年被交易至雷霆前已勸戒他要小心點

Carmelo Anthony和Chris Paul二人幾乎在NBA效力了近二十年,他們擁有許多經歷。在過去的一年中,兩位前全明星球員的處境都有點相似,都是效力過火箭然後被交易離開。
Carmelo Anthony上賽季僅僅打了10場比賽就被火箭隊釋出,最終交易到了芝加哥公牛隊被球隊裁掉,直至上個月才被波特蘭拓荒者隊簽下。他最近在對陣雷霆,跟Chris Paul交手後說,他對Chris Paul在火箭被交易的處理方式並不感到驚訝,他早已警告過Chris Paul。

引用在談到自己是否對於夏天Chris Paul被交易而感到驚訝時,Anthony告訴ESPN:「不,我一點都不驚訝。當年我在火箭的困境時,Paul是我第一個叫到自己房間裡傾訴的人。那時候,我想知道他有沒有像其他人一樣對自己表示不滿,那是我第一件想知道的事情。他告訴我『沒有』,隨後我盯著他的眼睛說『聽著,你要小心謹慎些』,你懂我的意思吧?就是要小心些,確保我的遭遇不會發生在他身上。」

"No, I wasn't surprised at all," Anthony told ESPN after his team's 108-96 loss to Paul and the Thunder on Sunday. "When my situation happened in Houston, he was the first person that I called to come to my room. And we had to clear some things up, and I wanted to know if he had anything to do with it. And that was the first thing that I wanted to know, and he told me, 'No.' And from that point on, I told him, looked him in his eyes and said, 'Look, just be careful.' You know what I mean? Just be careful. And damn sure if [the same situation] didn't happen to him."
引用Chris Paul在今年休賽季被交易至雷霆後表示:「我的確有些吃驚。老實說我在被交易幾天前,火箭總經理還跟我說我不會被交易。那很有趣,因為那個電話竟然就是突然出現的警報,根本沒人知道。」

"I was shocked," Paul told The Undefeated. "Truth be told, I just talked to Daryl a couple days before the trade, and he said he wasn't going to trade me [to Oklahoma City]. That's funny because that is going to be the alert that pops up on everybody's phone because nobody knows that. But what the hell, I just said it."

引用Carmelo Anthony表示他對Morey或火箭沒有惡意,但是他承認沒有被告知為什麼而被釋出讓他內心掙扎:「我沒有再與火箭陣中的任何人交談。我不生氣,我不為之苦。它發生了,我當時只希望能有一個解釋,但現在過去就算了。我的處境和Paul的處境不同,但我們都沒有得到解釋。就像沒有人真正知道我跟火箭之間到底發生了什麼。唯一知道的就是我們,就是這樣。這到底是不是在我加盟之前就已經建立的東西,有10場比賽是評估,這就是生意,對嗎?就像紐約每8-10場比賽管理層都會召開媒體發布會一樣。那是新的分析手段,新的遊戲規則,所有的事情都根據前10場比賽的表現和數據得出結論。當你了解這一點後,你會看透了很多事情。」

When asked whether there's a feeling in the league that Morey and the Rockets might not be straight shooters after the situations with both him and Paul, Anthony took a broader approach with his response.

"Well, nobody has an answer, right?" he said. "My situation and Chris' situation is totally different, but nobody has an answer. Like, nobody really has an answer for my situation. Still. The only people that know is me. Me and them. That's it. And I don't even think they know. It's just something that was already established before I even got there. It was on a trial-run basis. You look back at it, and 10 games is an evaluation. So that's the business, right? You see New York have a press conference eight games in, 10 games. So that's the new analytics. That's the new game. Everything's based off of your first 10 games. And once you know that, it gives you clarity on a lot of things."
