老將Jared Dudley說出自己現役最喜歡和生涯最討厭的隊友

現效力洛杉磯湖人的老將Jared Dudley說,超級巨星LeBron James是他最喜歡的隊友。
根據Sam Amick報導,Dudley說James有最好的故事分享給所有湖人隊友:「因為他看到的東西比其他人更多,他與很多人在一起贏得了冠軍。」
“because he’s seen more of the world, he’s been with more people, he’s won championships,”

LeBron James共贏得了三次總冠軍,其中兩次在邁阿密熱火,一次在克利夫蘭騎士,四屆MVP和三屆總決賽MVP都試圖在本賽季與湖人隊一起贏得自己的第四座冠軍。在LeBron和Anthony Davis的帶領下,湖人隊在西區聯盟中取得了最佳戰績位居第一位。LeBron James本賽季場均貢獻25.1分7.5個籃板和10.8次助攻,投籃命中率48.7%,三分命中率34.5%,罰球命中率68.8%。Anthony Davis在湖人的第一個賽季場均貢獻27.3分9.3個籃板和3.3次助攻,投籃命中率50.0%,在31場比賽中有14次雙雙。Jared Dudley在湖人隊場均上場7.8分鐘,他的貢獻大概是偶爾會三分球和穩定更衣室的狀態。
引用另外,Jared Dudley也說出了自己生涯中最討厭的隊友:

「最不喜歡的隊友。 哇。 我現在不用跟Blake Griffin打球。但當我和他在一起時,我與他並沒有壞關係,但那支球隊是『最毒』的球隊。 這很奇怪,因為它是一支很兩極團隊。在場外時我們很好,但在場內總是表現得很差。而Griffin,我只是不喜歡他的個性和態度。 我認為他是一位出色的籃球運動員,我認為大家可以將兩者區分開。 當獲勝時,你自然是最大的功臣,大家都很高興。但當迷失的時候怎麼樣? 落後20分時又怎麼樣? 那是那個團隊最大的事情。落後20分時,只是在爭吵,內訌。 我不想說我最不喜歡的隊友,不過既然現在我不會與他交談相處。」

“Least favorite teammate. Wow. I don’t get along with Blake Griffin now,” Dudley told Sam Amick of The Athletic. “When I was with him I didn’t have a bad relationship with him. That team was the most toxic team. It was weird because it was a bipolar type team. We were somewhat cool off the floor; we weren’t cool on the floor.

“I just don’t like his personality and attitude. I think he’s a great basketball player and I think you can differentiate the two. It’s easy to be the greatest teammate when you’re winning. How about when you’re losing? How about when you’re down 20? And that’s the biggest thing with that team. It was the biggest front-running team. You’re up 20, everything’s good, throwing lobs. Down 20, people want to fight, bickering. I don’t want to say my least favorite … That’s a teammate right now that I don’t talk (to), don’t get along (with), words aren’t exchanged on the court, yada yada.”
