【50個冷知識系列】Kobe Bryant親自闡述到底是怎樣跟妻子Vanessa邂逅

Kobe Bryant是怎樣跟妻子Vanessa走在一起的?原來Kobe在1999年拍攝嘻哈音樂錄影時愛上了一同拍攝的Vanessa,並慢慢與她走在一起。

洛杉磯湖人隊傳奇球員在90年代後期涉足音樂界,他在2015年的一段Showtime紀錄片中說,那就是他遇見Vanessa Urbieta Cornejo Laine(Kobe Bryant的妻子)的地方。
引用Kobe Bryant帶點自嘲說:「對於不知道的人來說,是的!我曾經是一名說唱歌手,在音樂事業上嶄露頭角。雖然沒持續一段很長的時間,但我確實製作了一個錄影。在錄影中,我是第一次遇見了Vanessa。這是一個為期兩天的錄影,我一直在留意她,例如我想知道她在哪裏。每當我拍完一幕之後我會回到車裏,但我會一直想知道她在哪裡。然後我又會走出來,只想在拍攝之間多和她談話。」

Laughing about his attempts, Kobe said: "For those that don’t know, yes, I had budding music career as a rapper. It didn’t last long, but I did make a video. On the video set is where I first met Vanessa.

"It was a two-day video shoot, and I was always looking for her, like I wanted to know where she was. I would finish a take and go to my trailer but I would wonder where she was the entire time."

Kobe continued: "Then I would come out of the trailer and just wanted to talk to her some more, in between takes and stuff like that."
最終,Kobe Bryant主動向Vanessa詢問了她的電話號碼,他們的戀情在每天的電話交談中開花結果。他們同樣喜愛迪士尼,這讓他們最終走在一起。


Kobe continued: "She was just beautiful. We literally did everything together. Everything together. And I thought I was a big dork because I loved Disneyland.

"I loved the Disney movies and things like that, but I never really had a chance to go to the park much.
"She was a big Disney fan, too, and we used to hang out as Disneyland, we used to go to Magic Mountain, she became my best friend."



Kobe admitted: "For me, it was very different to have somebody that I was so close to, because I had been so used to growing up in isolation, really."Moving around from place to place, making new friends all the time, so I never really opened up to anybody because I knew I was just going to inevitably move.

“But now, being in Los Angeles and feeling like I’m going to be a Laker for the rest of my life, I just met this beautiful woman that I just see the world the same way with."


