Christian Wood已從武漢肺炎中完全康服過來

底特律活塞中鋒Christian Wood已從武漢肺炎中完全康服過來。
底特律《自由報》的Dana Gauruder訪問Christian Wood的經理人Adam Pensack表示,Christian Wood感覺「很棒,已經完全康復」:

引用一位熟悉內部情況的消息人士說,Christian Wood必須通過一些醫學檢查,並有望在今天完全撇除病症。

由於沒有人有權正式地談論Christian Wood的醫療狀況,所以檢查者以不透露姓名的身份發言。


A source familiar with the situation said Christian Wood has to pass a few medical tests and is expected to be cleared Thursday.

The source spoke on condition of anonymity because the person was not authorized to officially speak about Wood or his medical condition.
The source said 17 members of the traveling party, including five players, were tested, and no one else was known to be positive for COVID-19.

Christian Wood是活塞上唯一測試COVID-19呈陽性的球員。 另外,Rudy Gobert,Donovan Mitchell,Kevin Durant和Marcus Smart是其他感染病毒的球員。

現在很高興聽到Wood感覺很好。 在暫停比賽之前,他為活塞隊表現得非常好。
