Steve Kerr認為沒有什麼比2017年NBA總決賽更好看

如果你想問有關怎樣贏得比賽,金州勇士隊主教練Steve Kerr絕對是佼佼者,因為他曾經以球員和教練的身份贏得了總冠軍。


引用《水星新聞》Mercury News的Wes Goldberg指出,Kerr表示從那以後他再也沒有見過這樣吸引的籃球比賽了:

「我認為這是我一生中見過的最高水平的籃球比賽。我認為這是我們四年之中面對過克利夫蘭最好的陣容。我認為他們在那一年比上一年以第七場的勝仗擊敗我們時要好得多。但顯然,我們也變得更好了,尤其將Kevin Durant添加到了陣中,並保持了充分的健康和動力,隨時準備出發。所以比賽的水平真是驚人。尤其是在進攻端。而LeBron James在這一系列的比賽中基本上以五號位角色上場,像個控球中鋒,他已經是他們隊中最大的傢伙。他們周圍有四個射手,他能夠貫穿,而且他們之間有著很好多的空間能夠讓所有人兌現,他自己又可以迎著籃框攻擊。所以試圖阻擋他們是可怕的。同樣地他們想阻擋我們也是可怕的。」

“I think that was the highest level of basketball I’ve ever seen in my life. I just thought that was Cleveland’s best team of the four years that we faced them. I thought they were much better that year than they were the previous year when they beat us in seven. Obviously, we were a lot better as well, adding Kevin Durant to the mix and being fully healthy and motivated and ready to go. So the level of play was just astounding. Particularly at the offensive end,” Steve Kerr shared/

We got to a point in that series where LeBron was basically playing the five — playing up like a point center, and he’s the biggest guy on the floor for them. And they had four shooters around him, and he would just penetrate and they had such great spacing that you had to honor everybody, and he could just get right to the rim.

“So it was terrifying trying to defend them. It was terrifying for them to try to defend us too.”
該系列絕對是一個值得紀念的系列。兩隊都盡了最大的力量,但是勇士隊最終擊敗了LeBron James所帶領的騎士隊。除此之外,Kerr還稱其為2017的勇士是他所執教的最佳陣容。有人可能會不同意Kerr的觀點,特別是在LeBron和騎士隊在2016年總決賽中進行歷史性系列賽反敗為勝奪冠之後已經很難跟當年Michael Jordan帶領的公牛相提並論。
