獨行俠班主Mark Cuban希望Donald Trump組織專責小組重啟NBA

達拉斯獨行俠班主Mark Cuban希望隨著美國人同心協力繼續抗疫,NBA能夠展望重啟方案。 但同時他也希望確保在適當的情況下重新啟動聯盟。因此Mark Cuban加入了總統Donald Trump的經濟小組,以幫助美國重新開放。他希望告訴Donald Trump,國家需要一支「特別工作組」,以調查必要的細微,以評估重新開業的可行性。

Boston.com的Conor Roche報導:

Cuban表示自己在下次見Donald Trump的時候有個訊息想告訴他。他想告訴Trump不要冒險,一切理應好起來。他認為需要一個專責小組來處理展開任何業務所需的所有大小事務。不僅是要開放球館,還有定一個重新開放的時間。



引用Cuban said he has a message he wants to tell Trump the next time they meet.

“Not to take a chance and get it all right,” Cuban said of his message to Trump. “I think what’s missing and what I’ll say to him the next time we convene, is we need a task force that deals with all the little things that are required to open up any business. It’s not just about opening up an arena, but when we have any type of opening.”
Cuban also added that creating a task force to set guidelines on when to reopen things will help take the pressure off businesses to make the call themselves.

“There are so many things that go into opening up the economy and getting it right so we don’t have a resurgence of the disease,” Cuban said. “That’s one of the things I’ll be focusing on — detail, detail, detail — so that the smallest of business doesn’t feel like they’re making it worse and can open up with confidence and safety.”
Mark Cuban是第一個發聲鼓勵NBA總裁Adam Silver關閉聯盟的班主,也是第一個堅持要求獨行俠球館員工製定支助計劃的人。他還重申,他對NBA的重啟方案表示樂觀。

