【傳言】爵士隊在疫情前就已經存在交易 Rudy Gobert 的可能性

有傳自從Rudy Gobert輕視武漢肺炎至到確診再被懷疑傳染給Donovan Mitchell身上之後,他與球隊的關係日漸破裂。
引用Rudy Gobert和爵士球員們都否認了這個謠言。但根據The Athletic的David Aldridge在最近的直播問答中發現Gobert和球隊內部問題早已存在:

有傳言說Rudy Gobert和Donovan Mitchell染上了武漢肺炎之前,爵士就對Rudy Gobert感到厭倦了。並不是說球隊之前正在積極地兜售他,而是作為一位年度最佳防守球員和這樣的球隊基石,他被球隊交易的可能性比你想像的要大。如果Rudy Gobert在今個賽季完結之後離開,我不會感到意外。

There have been rumblings well before either of them contracted coronavirus that the Jazz were growing weary of Gobert. Not that they were actively shopping him or trying to get rid of him, but that he might be more available than you’d think a Defensive Player of the Year and guy who is such an anchor would be. It will not surprise me if Utah moves on after this season.



現年23歲Mitchell在今個賽季場均獲得職業生涯最高的24.2分,帶領球隊以41勝23負位居西岸第四位。Mitchell可能在即將到來的休賽期續約,而Gobert將在2021年成為自由球員。根據The Athletic的報導,Mitchell被列入「不可被交易」的名單。
