O'Neal反擊Draymond Green:「我同意你的觀點,但我會把你的屁股撕成碎片。」

雖然Shaquille O'Neal跟Draymond Green沒有對陣過,但是O'Neal強調這位在現今聯盟非常高調的防守球員根本沒有可能把他守住,更有可能反過來把他完全摧毀。

早前Draymond Green在"All The Smoke"節目中表示他與控球後衛Stephen Curry二人的擋拆會給Shaquille O'Neal製造一堆煩惱。O'Neal雖然同意Green提出的觀點,但後來就著Green的論點作出反擊。
O'Neal在The Big Podcast中表示自己喜歡Draymond,尤其喜歡那些愛表達意見的人。O'Neal更表示他會盡量不對人有人身攻擊的批評。他喜歡Draymond的打法,他願意聆聽Draymond的意見,更認為他提出了重點。O'Neal強調Draymond Green說的背景是現今勇士的時代,並非湖人或是O'Neal的時代。O'Neal則認為現今的勇士在O'Neal時代只會排在第六或第七名,勇士的強敵會有湖人,馬刺,爵士,拓荒者,還有Jason Williams和Chris Webber時期的國王。
然而,O'Neal再三強調那是Green的意見。他會盡量不對人有人身攻擊的批評。不過最後還是跟Green說了句:「Mr Draymond, 我會把你的屁股撕成碎片。」

引用“I like Draymond. I like guys that voice their opinion,” O’Neal said on The Big Podcast, via Charles Curtis of USA TODAY. “I try not to get personal with guys. I like him, I like the way he plays. You have to listen to his points. He made good, key points. He said in their era. He didn’t say in my era … In my era, [the Warriors] would have been the six or seven seed. You had us, you had San Antonio, you had the Utah Jazz, you had Portland, you had White Chocolate and C-Webb [in Sacramento].

“But again, it’s his opinion. I try not to get personal with people’s opinions. But however, Mr. Draymond, like you said, I would’ve torn your ass up on that block.”


