George Floyd事件勾傷痛回憶 Sefolosha表示自己亦曾被幾位警員打斷腿有感而發

George Floyd遭警方暴力對待致死後,現效力休士頓火箭的Thabo Sefolosha今天在明尼阿波利斯向美聯社發表了講話。
Sefolosha表示當自己看到警員跪在George Floyd脖子上的那條影片期間,除了感到非常震驚之外,還勾起他個人的傷痛回憶。2015年4月,Sefolosha在夜總會被刺傷,警察到達現場後先是疏散人群,但在案件處理期間竟然對Sefolosha拳打腳踢。Sefolosha被警察打斷了腿,那個賽季亦因此報銷。最無稽的是在他被逮捕之後其指控幾乎被立即撤銷,Sefolosha經上訴後獲得了400萬美元的和解費用,隨後他把這筆費用捐贈一個機構。

Sefolosha見George Floyd事件感同身受,有感而有發。涉及George Floyd事件的四名警員已被解僱及接受調查,Sefolosha重申了該國各地的警察部門需要深入調查。


引用“People talk about a few rotten apples,” Sefolosha said in an interview with The Associated Press. “But you know, in my experience and from what we’re seeing, I think it’s deeper than that as a culture that’s deeply rooted in it, to be honest. That’s just my honest opinion. I think it’s really … part of a culture where it’s deeper than just a few bad apples.”

引用“I’ll be happy to be with my teammates and reunited with basketball in general,” Sefolosha said. “But you know, we’re human beings, and the fight has been going on for too long and the same protests have been going on for too long. I think it’s definitely time for change and that should be a priority for all of us.”

