Pascal Siakam並不在乎大家忽略速龍 畢竟他們也是總冠軍球隊!

2018-19年度總冠軍多倫多速龍今季在Kawhi Leonard離隊後以46勝18負的成績意外排在東岸聯盟第三位。但是速龍隊並沒有被認為是像密爾沃基公鹿隊,洛杉磯湖人隊和快艇隊這樣的冠軍大熱。
引用速龍隊全明星Pascal Siakam似乎並不擔心被忽略:


“To be simple and truthful, I just don’t care what people think of the Raptors,” Siakam expressed to the Toronto Star. “I think, for us, it’s been a lot of years caring about, ‘Oh, love me too,’ and I think that’s over, man. We are the champions and if you don’t see it, that’s your problem.

“And for us, it’s about us, we’re not worried what other people think, we’re gonna continue to win games and chase championships. That’s the only thing we care about and whoever feels the way they feel, that’s them and has nothing to do with us. We don’t care about perception.”
考慮到速龍團隊的經驗,適應能力以及彼此的默契和化學作用。速龍隊將在經歷了大半個賽季的傷兵問題後振作起來。正如Pascal Siakam所說,相信會帶給大家意外的驚喜。

