湖人前教練Del Harris認為本來Kobe Bryant不是一位好隊友但有獨特的個性

前洛杉磯湖人隊總教練Del Harris坦承已故湖人傳奇Kobe Bryant在職業生涯初期並不是一位理想的隊友。他指出這位五次奪冠的傳奇對某些隊友毫無耐性。
引用根據ESPN的Eros Villanueva報導,前湖人戰術導師表示:「這些年來,我們已經講過很多次,但他主要專注於自己和他可以做些什麼來成為最好的球員。有一陣子,他不是隊中最好的隊友,就是因為他太集中於讓自己成為最好的球員。而且他對其他無法做到自己程度的球員沒有耐心。不過他在職業生涯的後期發展日漸成熟。他成為了一個為別人做事的球員。」

“We talked different times over the years, but he was focused mainly at first just on him and what he could do to be the best. And for a while, he wasn’t the best teammate because he was, you know, in it to be the best. And he didn’t have patience for other players who couldn’t do what he could do. But he developed maturity later in his career. And he became such a man and did things for others,” the ex-Lakers tactician said, per of ESPN.
Harris還憶述了Kobe Bryant在1月的直升機事故中不幸去世後的感受,對的早逝感到遺憾,他認為Kobe注定要在世界上做出許多變革性的舉動。

“And the shame of it all is that, at age 41, he was going to make an impact for years. He had a program all set up. But it’s a shame that he wasn’t able to continue on for another 20, 30 years and show just what kind of a man he turned out to be,” Harris added

