

Peace – Jordan Clarkson, Tony Bradley, Emmanuel Mudiay

Justice Now – Nigel Williams-Goss

Ally – Joe Ingles

Justice – Justin Wright-Foreman, Rayjon Tucker

Enough – Jarrell Brantley

I am A Man – Mike Conley

Say Their Names – Juwan Morgan

Education Reform – Georges Niang, Ed Davis

Equality – Royce O’Neale, Rudy Gobert

Say Her Name – Donovan Mitchell

Power To The People – Miye Oni

部分爵士球員已經解釋了他們在球衣上所選擇的短語。Conley將在他的球衣背面穿上“I am A Man”。他表示這一切都是來自孟菲斯的。當他在孟菲斯的時候,得知1968年兩名黑人清潔工被迫在暴雨中工作,當他們躲在垃圾車後面的時候,壓實機開關發生故障而打開,二人隨即被壓碎。在二人死亡11天后,有1,300多名清潔工進行罷工,抗議惡劣的工作條件,低薪和城市的歧視。大家都記得那一次罷工,當時一群又一群被壓迫的黑人為自己站起來。而這也是罷工亦導致馬丁·路德·金被暗殺。所以對Conley來說能夠把“I am A Man”放在球衣背面上對他意義重大。他想提醒世界這場持續不斷的鬥爭。
引用“Where that all came from was actually in Memphis,” Conely said. “When sanitation workers went on strike. And I actually got to visit the civil rights museum a few times down there so it meant a lot to me to be able to put that on the back of my jersey.”

另外,Mitchell則以"Say Her Name"作為球衣新名字。「她的名字」其實是Breonna Taylor,她三月份在自己家中被警察殺死。

Mitchell表示大家需要為Breonna Taylor伸張正義。因為她在自己的家中被殺。如果在某些情況下我們無法在家中保持安全,那是不合理的。 而且他覺得Daniel Cameron(肯塔基州的司法部長)需要做好工作逮捕殺死Breonna Taylor的兇手。
引用Mitchell’s phrase, “Say Her Name” is in reference to Breonna Taylor who was killed in her home by police in March.

“We need justice for Breonna Taylor,” Mitchell said. “She was killed in her own home. If there’s a point where we can’t feel safe in our home, that’s not right. And I feel like Daniel Cameron needs to do his job and arrest the killers of Breonna Taylor.”

據報導,還有其他經過聯盟批准或建議的短語,包括Black Lives Matter; Say Their Names; Vote; I Can’t Breathe; Justice; Peace; Equality; Freedom; Enough; Power to the People; Justice Now; Say Her Name; Sí Se Puede (Yes We Can); Liberation; See Us; Hear Us; Respect Us; Love Us; Listen; Listen to Us; Stand Up; Ally; Anti-Racist; I Am A Man; Speak Up; How Many More; Group Economics; Education Reform和Mentor。

NBA正式賽季將於7月30日重新開始,爵士隊將迎戰新奧爾良鵜鶘隊。根據ESPN的報導,“Equality”一詞最常出現在球員球衣的背面。"Black Lives Matters"則是第二多的短語。

來源:https://www.nba.com/jazz/news/why-utah-jazz-will-replace-names-backs-their-jerseys-messages-social-justice, https://www.ksl.com/article/50000564/the-messages-that-will-replace-the-names-of-jazz-players-during-nba-restart
