被Tacko Fall搶走現役聯盟最高身高,Boban Majanovic有甚麼感想?

Boban Majanovic最近上了K&C Masterpiece節目,接受 Mike Bacsik, Kevin Hageland和Cory Mageors的訪問。期間Boban Majanovic被問到Tacko Fall搶走現役聯盟最高身高有甚麼感想。
Hageland問Boban當他知道Tacko Fall加入聯盟而自己變成聯盟第二高的球員有沒有感到憤怒。Boban開著玩笑回應表示自己感到很傷心,反問對方為什麼要提起這件傷心事,因為他哭了一整天。後來當他認真回答時表示他覺得Tacko很特別,自他大學開始就有留意他。而且覺得他打得不錯,自己並沒有覺得傷心,反而很高興。
引用Hageland: Were you angry when Tacko Fall got drafted because now you were only the second tallest player?

Marjanovic: “[Joking] I’m so sad right now, why are you reminding me about that — I was crying all day. No, it is amazing, I followed him all through college, he’s an amazing guy and I think he plays well. I’m not upset, I’m just happy for him.”
塞爾特人的Tacko Fall身高為7尺5寸,臂展為8尺2寸而獨行俠Boban Majanovic身高為7尺3寸,臂展7尺8寸。光看數字都十分驚人,相信大家實在期待他們二人的對位!

